Chapter 11 "Happy again,"

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Four weeks later*

Matt has been so great. He has helped me with physical therapy. I got my boot off today and tomorrow he is taking me to my first dance class back. The next day he drives me to the studio. I walk in and Abby is at the front desk.
"Maddie you got your cast off. *she
notices matt* and you must be Matt.
Your all she ever talks about," she says.
"Really," Matt says smirking at me.

"Yeah. Maddie get started on stretching. You can introduce Matt to everyone," Abby says. I nod and jump on Matt's back.
"Onward trusty steed," I say. He chuckles. I guide him to the dancer's den where he sets me down. I pone the door and all of the girls and moms are here.
"Maddie you got your cast off," Kendall says.

"Yes I did. Guys I want you to meet my brother, Matt. Matt this is Mackenzie Ziegler, Kendall Vertes, Nia Frazier, and Chloe Lukasiak. That is Jill Kendall's mom, Holly Nia's mom, Melissa Mackenzie's mom," I say.
"OMG your Matt Espinosa," Kendall says. She loves him a lot. Kenzie loves Nash and Shawn. Nia loves Shawn since she loves music and dance.

"She really likes you," I say. Matt walks over to Kendall and gives her a hug.
"Can I have a picture," Kendall asks. He nods and Jill takes a picture of them.
"Alright girls lets get started," Abby says.

After practice*

"Do you guys want to come over tonight for a sleepover," I ask.
"Yeah," they all said in unison.
"Can we," I ask Matt.
"Sure," he says.
"Meet at my house at 5," I say. They nod and I go home to get ready for the sleepover.

Matt's POV

"Guys Maddie is having a sleepover. No inappropriate language and no pranks," I say.
"Yes mom," Nash jokes.
"I'm serious. If her friends ask for picture make their day, say yes cause one of her friends nearly started crying when she saw me. Just make them happy, I have to go to see my mother tonight. She found out about Maddie," I mumble the last part.
"Got it. Trust us," Cameron says. I nod and drive off to my moms house.

Maddie's POV

Matt has to go somewhere. I don't know where though. I change into my ALDC sports bra and sweatpants. There was a knock on the door. I go to answer it and Mackenzie is at the door.
"Hey Kenzie," I say.
"Hey Maddie. Guess what I can do now," she says.
"What," I ask. Our main room where the front door is located is wide and big since we live in a mansion.

She hands me her stuff and does an Ariel into two back limbers into a back Ariel.
"Wow," I said.
"I know right," she says. The rest of the girls show up and we put our sleeping bags in the living room in front of the giant flat screen. I grab some popcorn for us and we all sit down. Kendall puts on My Babysitters a Vampire. Kendall, Nia, and I are on the floor and Kenzie has the couch. As we reach the middle we all fall asleep.

Kenzie's POV

About halfway through the movie we all fall asleep but I am having trouble sleeping. I hear a bunch of boys yelling and laughing upstairs. I slowly get up and walk towards the really long staircase. I walk up the stairs and see someone in the hallway. He had bright blue eyes. It was Nash.
"Are you Maddie's friend," he asks.
"Can you tell them to tone it down. I'm
Having trouble sleeping," I say.

"I'll tell them. Then I can bring you back downstairs and help you sleep. (Not in a weird way. It's like if Kenzie was Skylynn.) here," he takes my hand and leads me to a room. He stands in front of the door with me poking me head inside.
"Guys tone it down you woke up Mackenzie," he says.
"Sorry Mackenzie," Cameron says.

We go downstairs and he sits beside my sleeping bag on the couch. I get in and he places my head on his lap. He slowly pets my head.
"How do you know how to get a person to sleep," I ask.
"I have a little sister. It works for her. But go to sleep," he says softly. I close my eyes and drift off.

Nash's POV

Mackenzie went to sleep. About 20 minutes later I set her pillow under her head.
"Sleep tight princess," I whisper. I kiss her forehead and fix her blanket along with the others. I go back upstairs. It's about midnight. The guys are still up.
"That was nice of you," Shawn said smirking.
"What," I say.
"You helped her to sleep. That was sweet," Shawn said. Matt got home about 30 minutes later and all of us went to sleep.

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