Chapter 9 "Worst day ever"

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Maddie's POV

We got home pretty late. It was what, midnight at least. I grab my things and I realize I'm still in my dance costume.
"Emma can you help me get changed," I ask. She nods. I go upstairs and she helps me put on my Magcon shirt and sweatpants they got me. I am literally closing my eyes because I'm so tired. I go back down the stairs and sit on the couch. I elevate my foot and put a blanket over myself. I put my phone next to me and I fall asleep.

Matt's POV

We land and it is about midnight. All of us go to baggage claim and take our bags. Our cars are at the airport and we find them. We put our luggage in the cars and drive to the house. All I can think about now is Maddie. We park our cars and bring our luggage inside. We were kind of loud doing this. We put our bags upstairs and there in the living room is Maddie sleeping on the couch. Her eyes flutter open and she rubs them.

"What time is it," she asks.
"12:30. How are you feeling," I say.
"Tired and exhausted. I'm going to sleep," she says.
"I'll carry you," I say. Taylor grabs her crutches and I pick her up. I made a 'oomph' picking her up cause the boot adds like 10 pounds. I bring her upstairs to her room we just finished renovating and I set her down. She takes off her boot and puts it on the floor next to her bed. You can see it is swollen and all twisted.

Seeing her in pain brings tears to my eyes. I kiss her forehead and a tear drops to it. I bend down to her bad foot and give it peck.
"Feels better already," she says quietly.
"Goodnight sleep well," I say as Taylor puts the crutches next to her wall. I turn off the lights and close her door.
"Somehow I feel this is all my fault," I say.
"It's not you wouldn't have known this would happen and being in the position you were in there was no way it could have been stopped," Taylor says.
"Your probably right," I say. We all go back to our rooms and go to sleep.

Middle of the night* around 3:00am*

Kidnapper's POV

Matt and his friends think he can get away from us that easily. For years we have been good friends. But, we have always been in the shadows. They have dark secrets that we are willing to put out there. They owe us money for beer. We are the age limit and they haven't payed us back the money. They get us girls and we get them beer. But lately it isn't cutting it. We finally found our leverage. I three guys going to break into their house. One driver and one guard. The last one at home.

We slowly disable the alarm and saw her sleeping in her bed peacefully. We saw the boot and crutches. I pulled off the covers while one of my guys put the cloth over her mouth. Her eyes flutter open but close once the chloroform kicks in. The other person grabs her boot and silently puts it on her. Her foot is all swollen and twisted. I picked her up and brought her down the stairs.

We grab some of her things like clothes, all that other crap, and her crutches. We put her in the car and drove off. I left a little note there. They will know who they are talking to. Those boys won't know it's coming to them.

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