Chapter 5 "Turning 11,"

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Maddie's birthday*

Maddie's POV

I have been working so hard since I got my routines from the choreographer and it love the program's so much. I understand Matt can't be at the competition and I get it the fans need to see him too. Today is my 11th birthday and I am so happy. Miss Abby is letting me dance a solo in the competition today.

I go down the stairs and nobody is up yet which I am not surprised. I grab the Cheerios from the cabinet and the milk. I sit at the table and our the milk and cereal into the bowl. I began eating and I see a bed head of a Matt walking into the kitchen.
"Happy birthday Maddie," he says and gives me a hug.
"Thanks I am so happy I'm 11 now I can get solos in competitions for dance," I say. Miss Abby only let people who were 11-13 get a solo and now I can get one.

"Here is one of your gifts," he says handing me a box. I open it and it is an iPhone 6 in silver!
"OMG you got me a phone," I say.
"Yeah and I gave you all social media like me. Your users on all of them are
Password: Mattisthebestbrotherever," he says.
"thank you! I wish you can come to my competition today though," I say.
"Hey Emma is gonna be there. At Magcon they will have a tv that is because the completion will be on live TV," Matt says. I can't believe it is gonna be on live TV.

"really," I ask happily. "Really," Matt says. I hug him once again. I get my dance clothes ready and Emma comes over. The competition isn't until tonight.
"You ready. I have the supplies for your hair," Emma says. I nod. She begins to put it into a pony tail. She puts the bun maker in my hair and wraps my hair around it. She puts the added elastic from the costume in my hair and I look in the mirror.
"I love it! Even though you aren't related to me your are like a mom to me," I say. She gives me a hug.

"Your welcome and you are like the daughter I never had. Now onto makeup," she says. She puts on whatever girls normally do since I never usually wear makeup. After she is done I am yet again amazed. I put on my costume and I look like a princess. The guys walk down jaws dropped even Matthew.
"You look awesome," Matt says.
"Your gonna do great today," Shawn says. I give each of them a hug and they leave for their event. Now it is time to leave for my event. We get in Emma's car and head off to the competition.

Before Maddie goes on*

I get a FaceTime from Matt.

"Hey Maddie," he says. I hear screams in the background. Must be the fans.
"Hello I am almost about to go on stage," I say.
"I know. We are watching it on tv. The fans want to say something to you." Matt says.
"1...2...3," I hear Nash say.
"GOOD LUCK MADDIE," the fans say.
"Thank you," I say.

End of FaceTime.

I hand Abby my phone.
"Next up in the junior division is number 23 Maddie with 'Timeless'," the announcer says. I walk out on stage and get Into position.

Matt's POV

We hear Maddie's name called and I cheer. So do the fans. She gets into position. (Watch video)

After performance*

She was amazing I did not know she was that good at dancing. The awards came on and she got first place!

Maddie's POV

"In first place is number 23 'Timeless," the announcer says. I go accept my award and I see Abby clapping. Even though she is very strict she is really nice.

After everything At home*

Still Maddie's POV

I was watching tv when I saw a Twitter notification. Someone who is really famous named Sia.
'I saw your dancing in the completion today and on dance moms. Would you like to be in my new video 'chandelier'?'
I can't believe this persons wants me in her video. She is really famous by how many flowers she has. I tweet back
'I would love to'. I am not gonna tell the boys just yet. If they find out then they do. I text Emma and I direct message Sia my number. We arrange a meeting tomorrow at 9am for the choreography.

I can't believe someone famous wants to work with me. I am so happy.

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