Chapter 13 "Fame from a video"

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Maddie's POV

I have literally lived in the dance studio for the past few weeks. I have to perform on 'The American Music Awards', 'The Billboard Music Awards', 'The Teen Choice Awards', 'Hollywood Benefit Concert,' (she did one with her) and finally 'The Grammy's'. And I have to go to the set today for Austin and Ally. The alarm clock goes off and I put it on snooze. I am so tired and I need more sleep. Matt opens the door.

"Maddie you need to wake up, you have to go to set today," he says.
"Five more minutes," I groan.
"No five minutes. I had to go through the same thing. Get up or don't make me throw you in the pool," he says.
"I'm up," I say getting up. I get up and I am still in my sleepy mode. I take a shower and get dressed in under armor pants and a pink stripped lulu lemon sports bra/top. I grab my Nike sneakers and put them on.

I wobble down the stairs like a penguin and sit at the table. I grab two oranges and orange juice. As I was eating my orange I grab my script and review my lines. I see Nash and Cameron come down.
"Reviewing lines," Nash said. I slowly nod.
"And I have rehearsals for five shows Sia is doing," I add.
"What shows," Nash asks. I look at my phone great another show. Note the sarcasm.

"American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Teen Choice Awards, Hollywood Benefit Concert , The Grammys, and Dancing With The Stars," I say.
"Jesus! Your performing in front of so many celebrities," Nash says.
"Your all invited. I have after parties in there too so your invited to those too," I add. They seem happy. All the guys came down and they had breakfast. Matt took me to the set. Once we got there I got greeted by the cast.

"Hi I'm Laura its so nice to meet you. I am a huge fan," she says shaking my hand.
"I could say the same about you," I say. I greet everyone.
"You must be her brother Matt. I love your vines," Calum says. (Calum Worthy)
"Thank you," he says. Later we get to film.

After filming*

I have never been so exhausted in my life. I need sleep. As soon as we got home I ran inside. The couch was vacant but I saw the guys headed for it. I ran and dove, literally! I landed sprawled over the couch and closed my eyes.
"Like brother like sister," a voice said. They sat on the floor and watched their movie while I slept.

I woke up to being shaken by Matt.
"We are going out to eat," Matt says. I got home at 4:30 and it is now 7:30. A good three hour sleep was good. We went to an Italian Bistro in downtown L.A. We walked in and it was full of celebrities. I guess it is for celebrities only. I walk over to the back table and sat down. Matt and his friends went I don't know where. I had to read over dance routines for previous Sia performances.

As u was reading this over the Teen Choice Award performance a shadow can across my paper. I looked up to see One Direction.
"If your looking for my brother he is over there," I say pointing to him flirting with girls.
"We don't need him. We wanted to take a picture with you," Harry says.
"Me," I say pointing to myself.
"Yes. We loved you in the Sia video and we want a picture," Zayn says. I nod and stand up. I am short compared to them and their manager takes the picture on their phones and mine.

Soon after Iggy Azalea, Ariana Grande, and Miley Cyrus wanted pictures. I did the same thing and went back to my work. I didn't know this place was filled with such big stars.

Matt's POV

"Aww look Maddie is taking pictures with celebrities," Carter says.
"she can get a picture with Ariana Grande before I can?!" Jack G says. We chuckle. Someone walked up to the mic on the stage.
"Welcome everybody. Let's get started with the performances. I see we have Maddie here. Why don't you perform your dance," the announcer says. The spotlight points to her and they bring her to the stage. They bring a couch and two mattresses as well as a table and chair. I see someone with blonde hair and a wig like Maddie's come from the curtain but faces backwards. It must be Sia.

After the dance*

Everyone was amazed at Maddie's dancing. I have seen her improve over the past two years and she is getting so many opportunities. I am proud of her, she has fame from a video.

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