Chapter 16 "I'm Here For You,"

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*this is the last chapter*

Maddie's POV

I woke up in Matt's arms. Then I know what this means.
"Maddie your not leaving. My mom got arrested for false papers and you get to stay," he says. I smile and hug him tight. The guys group hug and they walk off to the game room.
"Thank you Matt," I say.
"Your welcome," he says.
"No thank you for everything you have done for me. If I never met you, then I wouldn't be where I am now," I say.

"I'm glad I found you. If I found out the day I died, I would have never forgave myself. I will take care of you until the world ends for both of us. Even if we were separated I will still find you and take care of you. Your my little sister. I want you to be happy. That's all I ever wanted," he says.
"I want you to be happy too," I say.
"I love you Maddie," he says.
"I love you too Matt," I say. I hug him and he kisses my forehead.

I love Matt so much. He has always been there for me. He always made me happy when I was sad. He made me laugh when I cried. The guys made my friends laugh when we were upset when we lost a competition. I know I will be with him forever. I Maddie Alexis Espinosa, am proud to call Matthew Lee Espinosa, my big brother.

Matt's POV

I am so happy Maddie gets to stay. She may have almost been separated, but I will never leave her. Not again. I am giving her the life I have always wanted her to live. The guys are apart of that. I love her and they do to. She is my other half. I love her so much to let her go. I Matthew Lee Espinosa am proud to call Maddie Alexis Espinosa, my little sister.

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