Chapter 13 "The expected revenge"

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Maddie's POV

We have not been ourselves lately. Abby has been nowhere to be seen. She is worried about he studios that she is opening in Chicago and Boston. Our team is doing ok but not as good as we used to. Gianna is helping much better since she came back from the choreographers convention. The guys are doing conventions for their fans. The girls and I were at my house for a few hours. They left and it is now 9:00pm. I did my before end routine and went to sleep. Matt came in and said goodnight to me.

Matt's POV

Phone conversation* M-Matt D-Matt's dad*

M- What do you mean I'm gonna loose Maddie?
D- Your mother wants to have Maddie to herself. She is going crazy because she doesn't get to be in her fame life. She wants to have those bragging rights.
M- How does that affect me?
D- She went to social services today, she wants to get papers to find custody over her and take her away from you.
M- I'm not letting that happen. I adopted her! I signed the papers, so she has no custody over her! I do!
D- I'm sorry Matt, unless you can find a way out of it, she will be taken away from you tomorrow. I got to go your mother will be home soon, goodnight.
M- goodnight.

End of call*

This can't be happening. I have only had her for two years and my own mother may take her away?! Tears roll down me cheeks. I post an Instagram, (fake one) as a video.

'So.....I just had to worst day ever. Not the convention, just a terrible ending of a day. *more tears roll down my cheeks* I just want to talk to you guys, but then again I don't. I won't be positing for a few days. But if you guys can tonight, cheer me up. I need it'

I got comments like 'don't cry' or 'it's gonna be fine.' No it won't because tomorrow I may loose the one thing that keeps me happy the most. I go downstairs to the kitchen and grab a water.
"Are you okay Matt," Cameron asks.
"I just got a call from my dad, apparently my mom wants to take Maddie away from me tomorrow. She is finding reasons that she can take her away from me and social services is coming tomorrow," I say. I wipe the tears away.

"Why would your own mother do that?!" Taylor asked.
"She's a lunatic that's why," I say.
"Then if she is, spend all the time you can with her. Make it count, tomorrow cancel anything your doing and make her happy while it lasts," Nash says. I nod. A few minutes later I go to my room and sleep.

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