The next morning

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You wake up in your Green bedding the next morning exhausted from last nights arrival. You look at the time to see you're already 5 minutes late to Potions. You quickly get dressed and grab your books and run out of the common room and make your way to Potions. You arrive in Potions to sneak to your seat at the back. "How wonderful of you to join us Miss L/N." Saying a grumpy voice. "Sorry Professor it won't happen again." You mumble. "Detention! 7pm tonight!" He shouts at you. You take your seat next to Marcus as he puts his hand on your upper leg. "If you don't remove your hand off me in the next 5 seconds you won't have a hand!" You whisper shout at him. "Is that a threat?" He says back. "N-No..." You whisper back. You look around the class uncomfortable and eventually lock eyes with Snape. He gets up and walks behind you both to see his hand on your leg still. "Mr Flint move your hand or I will remove Y/N away from you myself." Mumbles Snape. He keeps it on your leg ignoring a word Snape just said and your feel a pair or hands pick you up as you blush. You get placed at Professor Snape's desk while he continues to mark papers.

You finish class and wait for Marcus to leave before you go. Snape keeps you sitting down and talks to you. "Why didn't show up on time L/N?" He questions. "I over slept Professor." You mumble. "You will still have a detention with me after school at 7pm sharp. I want you to sit at the end of the table again so when I leave you will be joining me so you won't be late for anything else." He examines. "Yes Professor!" You say back. "Now go enjoy your free period Y/N." You walk out of his class and gets your hand pulled by no other than the Marcus Flint himself. He pins you up on the wall laughing at you. "You should learn to keep quiet or you'll be sorry!" He yells at you as you sigh. "I'm sorry but please put me down!" You yell.

You hear footsteps coming from out of Snape's class. "Well well well Mr Flint I suggest you put poor Miss L/N down before I get you expelled!" He drops you onto the floor and runs off. You look up to see a rather large hand in front of you and you take it. You get helped up by Snape as he pulls you back into his class.

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