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Okay! Thank you so much for number 1! I'm crying of happiness! Thank you for the support! Please recommend me good Snape x Student Reader stories I beg.

The random break went by quickly. It was only a week but worth it. I got to relax, hang out with a few friends and Severus. I got to do a lot of stuff like practice Quidditch, go on a dinner date with Severus and clear my mind. Apparently Harry and Ron broke the rules. I get the honours of watching so this should be funny.

I take my seat next to Severus in his office, Harry and Ron are brought in by Filch. I hate Filch, he isn't in the best shape and quite scary.

Harry and Ron are standing in front of me and Severus. I want to laugh but I have to hold it back. "Okay before you tell them off, that's amazing flying a car to Hogwarts." I snigger. "You two have been seen by no less than 7 muggles!" Severus snaps.

He continues to keep talking about them being seen by muggles. I wasn't listening properly but Ron looks ever so scared. I feel bad but rules are rules, I guess.

Albus and Minerva walk in and Severus stands up. "Evening." He says slowly. "Good evening you four." Albus chuckles. "These two have broken rules and seen by muggles." Severus snaps. I see Harry eyeing me cautiously.

I turn to him and start sniggering. "Harry stop looking at me, you should have been a well behaved boy." I giggle out and everyone turns to me. "Y/N, be quiet or go to bed." Severus snaps. "And no hugs? No way!" I snap and he smirks. "You two will have 10 points each deducted from Gryffindor for breaking the rules." Minerva says calmly.

Harry and Ron leave his office and the four of us go to mine and Severus quarters.

We take our seats on the sofas and begin to talk about anything. "How are my love birds?" Albus sniggers. "Albus! Don't be so childish." Minerva snaps. I stand up and go to get changed into my pyjamas.

I flop into bed and fall asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm really ill at the moment and hoping to get better.

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