Yule ball

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I've finally finished all my classes covering my dark mark. As I'm getting ready to for the ball, I look down to wrist to see the dark mark moving. I run to Severus in my Ball outfit but he takes my hand. We end up in Malfoy Manor once again. Snape looks at me and says "Well that ruins my surprise." I stare at him "I was in the middle of finishing my hair before I was brought here!" He puts his cloak around me and we walk up to the table. I find an extra seat next to Snape's and sit in it. Everyone is looking at me I assume it's because of my dress. I hear the same annoying voice "Well well well we have two people dressed up nicely. What's happening at Hogwarts?" I look down to hear Snape "It's the Yule ball my lord."

After the meeting is finished Snape grabs my hand and we appear back in Snape's room. I continue to get ready in the bathroom as I see a shadow stand behind me. I look up to see Severus. "You look very beautiful in that dress." I smile and finish my hair. We walk to the Ball and my arm gets grabbed by Marcus. "Well well well doesn't my date look lovely." (Oh by the way you used a spell to hide your dark mark) "I know I look lovely but I'm not wanting to dance with you Marcus Flint." I argue you back to him "How dare you talk to me like that?" I start to back up and bump into someone. "Oh my! I am so sorry!" I feel their hands around my waist. "It's fine, I caught you so no harm done is there now darling?" I start to blush "S-Snape? There's people around!" He smirks at me and puts me back on my feet. I follow after him and I end up having to stand between Dumbledore and Snape. I hear Dumbledore "So Y/N now you've made Severus happy again, I'd like you to keep him happy." I start to look at Dumbledore "Oh course, he makes me so happy too!" I see Snape smirk out the corner of my eye. "Wait... Dumbledore how did you know?" He looks at me and chuckles "I may of popped in while you two were sleeping! I AM NOT A CREEP I JUST NEEDED A POTION!" He shouts. "DUMBLEDORE SHUSH THE WHOLE SCHOOL DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW!" Snape looks at us "YOU TWO BE QUIET BEFORE ONE OF YOU BLOW THE COVER!" Students start to look at three in concern. Dumbledore looks at him "Okay daddy chill xoxoxo 💅" I burst out into laughter and get pulled into the dance floor by Marcus. "I saw you arguing with them both. I thought you need a break from them." He starts to dance with me as I look at Dumbledore and Severus for help. Snape walks over to grab my hand and pull me back away from Marcus. "Keep away Mr Flint she isn't allowed to dance." I smile and get dragged out the hall to Snape's room.

Snape's POV:
It was about half way through the ball and I wanted to have my chance to dance with my love. We hear the music from the ball and I put my hand on her waist, she puts her hand on my shoulder and other hands join. We dance around the room until the music stops. I see her dark mark cover fading off and she looks at me scared. "What's wrong Y/N?" "What will people think of me being a deatheater? What if I get grabbed my Flint and sees the mark?" She says worriedly. "Don't worry about him, he's going to be expelled after what Dumbledore saw today and plus you got me and we are in this together. If you ever get found out, I will show mine to them as well. I won't let you go through anything alone." She hugs me and I kiss her on her forehead.

It's been a few hours of talking and kissing. I know Dumbledore wanted to see me but I just wanted to be with Y/N. I pull her close to me and she sits on my lap behind my desk. It's all silent until we see the man with an extremely long bear and long hair. "Have you heard of knocking?" Dumbledore looks at me and winks "At least you two weren't doing anything... ANYWAY! I ship and expelled Flint. He could at least brush his teeth. I don't see how you he can get a girlfriend like that." Y/N chuckles quietly. "The Dark lord is planning to get Draco to kill you so I become headmaster. I'm going to try my hardest not to." Dumbledore nods and leaves. I pick Y/N up and put her on the bed and start to kiss into her neck. "I didn't fully leave you know." I turn around to see him standing in the doorway. "GET OUT!" Dumbledore officially leaves and I go back to kissing Y/N. I start to unzip her dress pulling it down from her. I use a spell to lock the door.
I start to pull all my clothes off. I use a spell for protection so I don't end up getting her pregnant. I start to push my 🍆 into her as she makes lovely noises softly. I continue going as her lovely noises become in sync with me.

After a while of doing it we both fall asleep, Y/N falls asleep snuggled right into me.

Well this was a spicy chapter. I did warn you anyway. Enjoy waiting for the next chapter lol

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