His revenge

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Ayo spicy stuff in this lol

It's the next day and I go to breakfast like normal. I get tugged by my robe again. "Remove your hand before I break it." I mumble and turn around. He points his wand at me. "Please you probably don't know any spells." I say smirking. "EXPELLIAMOUS!" He shouts. I fly across the hall. "Maybe he does know a spell..." I mumble taking a my seat. I look at him laughing. "Can I use a spell on him." Severus said yes but McGonagall and Dumbledore said no. I roll my eyes and lean back into the chair. "Oh look Y/N has to get protected by professors!" Max laughs. I stand up but Severus pulls me down. "Aww look she even has Professor Snape to keep her calm!" He mocks me. I stand up again and this time I don't get pulled down. I walk over to him and I point my wand up to his throat. "One more word and you will regret it all! I will go to Azkaban if I have to! You should be lucky I haven't gotten you in the hospital wing yet. You filthy mudblood." I mumble and walk off. I sit back in my seat. "Girl you just called a muggleborn a mudblood. This kid is driving you crazy and it's only the second day back." Dumbledore gasps. I laugh. I put my hand in my pocket and feel a note. I pull it out and read
Meet me in the courtyard in 5 minutes. Let's duel to see who the better wizard/witch is.
I look at him dead in the eye and rip up the piece of paper.

I walk outside to the courtyard and he walks out too. "You should of stayed with your body guards." He mocks. "Oh please at least I have friends and I'm a pureblood." I smirk. "If I killed the dark lord I can end you." I mumble and he looks at me in fear. "W-what?" He stutters. I smirk and he pulls out his wand. He points it to my chin. "Ooo scary." I mock. "CRUCIO!" He shouts. "WTF! WHO TAUGHT THIS MUDBLOOD SPELLS?" I scream in pain. The three Professors come outisds. "EXPELLIAMOUS!" Sev shouts at Max. I sit up and grab my wand. "Aw did a little pain hurt?" He mocks. I walk over to him and kick him. "OWWW MY BONES! GET OFF ME!" He screams in pain and I get pulled off by Severus. He pulls me into a corner. "What is going on?" He whispers. "He's been using spells on me! He's a mudblood and I don't expect it!" I mumble. "Y/N I'm a half-blood and you accept it." He whispers. "Yeah well maybe you don't use the crucio curse on me." I smirk. He kisses me and I kiss him back. "Better?" He smirks. "Yes." I smile. McGonagall runs over to me. "Y/N you broke his bones!" She says in a shock. "Nothing new." I smirk. "Severus do something to calm her down." She says walking off. "Oh I have the perfect punishment for you." He smirks and picks me up. "Professors it's Tuesday! Don't you have classes to teach?" I whisper. "No, I have the whole morning off." He whispers and I smirk. He walks in the potion class and pins me to the desk. He starts to kiss from my laps all the way down to my neck. He lifts his head up for a second "I should be teaching how to control your anger but this is more fun." He smirks and I smirk back. He goes back to kissing me leaving a few hickeys. He pulls my robes off and drops it the floor lifting me up to sit on the desk. He locks the door with a spell and pulls my tie off. He picks me up and walks towards his room. He unbuttons my shirt and pulls my skirt down. He notices I have shorts on under my skirt. "Smart. Don't want any other boys looking?" He smirks. "Never know who's going to cast a spell." I smirk back. He pulls the shorts off and he eventually takes all his clothes off. He unclips my brah and palls my panties down. He uses a protective enchantment on the room and on his dick. "You my love, are going to learn to control your anger on other students." He smirks. To starts to push in and out of me causing me to moan at the same time of his movements. He kisses my lips roughly at the same time. I put my hands on his shoulders.

After a while he realises the time. We begin to get changed and I smell like Severus. "Oh well at least people will know you're mine." He smirks. I smile and giggle a little. "Oh a left a few presents on your neck." He smirks again. I get fully changed and run into the class room to put my tie on. I walk out the class putting my robe on. We walk to the great hall and takes our seats.

"Basically I expelled the child because of he used crucio so if I get a complaint then it's your fault for breaking his legs." Dumbledore giggles. I laugh. "Omg what's on your neck?" He gasps and I look at him in confusion. "Nothing..." I look down. He pulls my hair back a bit and whispers to McGonagall. I look at Severus and he seems proud of himself. Lunch is being handed out and everyone begins to eat.

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