The first years

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After dinner is finished, I take the First years on a little tour around the main parts of the school. "So this is the main staircase area, they like to change so hold on tight when they move incase you fall to your death." I say laughing. Draco nudges me a bit. "I'm being honest, I'm not going to lie to them." I mumble. I bump into Severus. He picks me up by my waist and pulls me up. "I hope you aren't scaring them too much dear." He mumbles in my ear. "I only told them about the falling to the death part so far nothing bad." I giggle and he hits me with a book. I grab the book and hit him around the head with it. "Fair play. Now students don't do that to any teachers or they will give you a detention or expel you." Severus snaps at all of them grabbing the book out of hand. I smirk and walk down the dungeons. "This is your potions class. The Professor is very horrible and is not afraid to upset you one bit." I giggle and see a hand raise. "Yep kid in the back?" I mumble. "Is that true or are you just saying it to scare us?" He says. "No it's true. He will do it for a while so if you want to be left alone, stay silent, do you work, don't be late and pay attention." I mumble walking off. "Lastly, this is your common room and you will spend most your days in here. I will be in here from 6pm-10pm but I want you all in your rooms by 9pm so I can get on with my homework." I mumble. "You will find your stuff in your dorms, girls on the left and boys on the right. Enjoy and get ready for your first day at school." I mumble and they all walk off. I walk into my dorm for the first time in a while and see the girls staring at me. "How are you head girl?" A girl mumbles staring at me. "Because I know how to get them to behave by threats that are true." I mumble giggling. "You go Y/N!" Pansy laughs. I turn around and hug her. "I missed you!" I mumble while she hugs me back. "I missed you too!" She mumbles back. We break the hug and I open my bag. I see a note and I open it.
I added a few things into your bag just incase you wanted to contact me. Please don't scare the first years badly.
-Severus Snape
I giggle at the letter and the girls stare at me. "What's that?" The girls ask. "Nothing..." I mumble putting it in my pocket. I pull out a book. 'Oh so he put this in here and a lot of chocolate frogs. What's this, a ring?' I put the ring on and see my happy memories from my past. I take it straight off and lock it in a drawer.

I finish unpacking and I go into the main common room sending the first years to bed. I notice one is asleep and I nudge her a bit. She wakes up. "I am so sorry!" She whispers. "Hey it's okay! What's your name?" I whisper bending down. "Alice! Are you Y/N?" She whispers and I nod yes. "I need to get a book from the library but I'm scared of Filch. Can you help me please?" She whispers scared. I grab a book from my pocket. "I'll get someone to get it just sit there." I whisper grabbing a quill. "What book is it?" I whisper and she tells me it's about wands.
Severus I have a first year with me, can you get me a book about wands from the library? I'm trying to comfort her because she seems terrified.
I tell her I've asked someone but she looks at me. "You just wrote in a book?" She looks at me weirdly still. "It's a book I use to connect to someone very special to me." I whisper and she nods. I grab the blanket from the end of the sofa and pull it over her. "Looks there writing appearing in the book!"
Outside, come get it.
I run to the door and I see Severus standing there. Alice turns around and sees him. I take the book and he places a kiss on my forehead. I walk back to Alice and hand her the book. "Thank you! He's totally into you as well Y/N." She whispers and I blush a bit. "Oh I'm not really a girl to fall in love..." I whisper and she nods. "Thank you." She says walking off to her dorm. I sit in the common room.

Fred and George appear. "Hey!" They both whisper into my ear. I jump a little trying to write in my book. "Sending love notes are we?" Fred laughs about to grab the quill. "No! Don't touch the quill or don't use a quill in this book, it can freeze you, it's enchanted." I whisper to both of them. They both disappear again before they get tempted.

I move to sit in a corner surrounded by bookshelves. I feel a shadow behind me. "Go to your dorm please, this isn't a time to be out." I say turning around to see Marcus. "Ha head girl. You really are taking this so seriously. You know I miss us dating. Can I have another chance babe?" He whispers leaning into me. I shut my book and push him away. "No. I found someone new." I whisper standing up. He follows me so I go into the hallway. I run into the potion class and the door swings open. I fall to the floor and Marcus is in front of me. "We were never dating and never will! Get away from me Marcus!" I shout crawling backwards. I bump into another figure. He pulls me up and pushes me behind him. "Mr Flint don't be causing trouble on the first day back of school. Now go before I send you to the headmaster." Sev snaps and Marcus runs off. "You okay love?" He whispers turning around. "Yep! I didn't mean to interrupt your setting up. I just wanted to get away from him and it was either the girls dorm or run around the school so I chose here..." I whisper looking down. He puts his thumb under my chin and lifts my face up. He pulls me in and kisses me. "I'm proud of you for looking after the first years today. I hope you told them I wouldn't be afraid to upset them." He smirks. "I told them everything! I told them how to not get in trouble so we can finally win the house cup for a change instead of the Gryffindor's." I smirk and he kisses me again. "Smart girl." He says in a soothing voice. I blush a little. "You can either stay here and get ready to be back in the common room by 5am or wake up at 5am tomorrow." He whispers. "Either way I have to be ready by 5am so I'll choose here." I whisper. He picks me up and locks the potion door. I wrap my legs around him and he puts his hands on my waist, my hands are around his neck. I get ready for bed and drift off to sleep.

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