Christmas break

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I notice it's the day for Christmas break and I get out of bed immediately. I see Severus in the kitchen already. "What do you want for breakfast love?" He smirks. "Pancakes!" I giggle and he begins to make some. I go into my room and get my clothes ready for the day. "Pancakes are ready!" He shouts softly I come running in. 

I begin to eat them and hear the door open. Severus goes to look and sees no one. "Who's there?" He snaps but no one answers. He takes his seat and continues to eat the pancakes. "Do you want anything on them?" He smirks. I use a spell to add Syrup and I hear Severus laugh. I feel something brush against my back. I turn around and hear a gasp. I reach my hand out and bump into something. "Potter..." I mumble pulling off his cloak. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Detention!" Severus snaps. "If you want to learn how to spy easier, learn to be quiet." I giggle going back to my food. "Why are you here?" Potter mumbles to me. "Hungry." I mumble back eating the food. He runs out and puts his cloak back on. I notice Christmas is in a week and I should go hand out my presents to my friends who are leaving for the break. 

I run into the shower and quickly wash myself. I go into my room with a towel wrapped around me. I see Severus smirk at me. I quickly get changed into a short black dress and dry my wet hair. I decide to leave it natural and do a bit of makeup. I grabbed the presents and walk into the living room. "I'll be back soon." I giggle giving Severus a kiss on the lips. "Be safe darling." He smirks watching me leave. 

I go into the Slytherin common room and I see everyone waiting for me. "Finally!" Pansy giggles running up and hugging me. I take my seat on the black leather couches. "I have to tell you all something, it's about Potter." I mumble and see Draco wanting to know more. "Me and Snape were eating breakfast, and Potter uses his cloak to attempt to spy on us. He brushes his arm against my back which made it obvious he was there." I mumble. "Meet me in the tree in 30 minutes! Potter will be around that area." Draco smirks and I nod. We each give our presents out to each other and I go back to the room.

I take my seat next to Severus and he pulls me closer to him. "Any more plans for today?" He asks. "I told the others about Potter and they want me to meet them at the tree in 20 minutes." I giggle. "Don't get yourself hurt, Professor Moody is about." He smirks. "What will he do?" I giggle. "Turn you into an animal, if he does come straight to me." He smirks. 

After a bit of talking with Severus, he hands me my small black jacket and let's me go meet the others. I get to the tree and see no one. "Up here!" Draco whispers. I attempt to climb the tree but struggle. I get half way up the tree when I see Potter. I fall flat on my ass. "Trying to climb a tree?" Potter smirks walking over to me. I pull my wand out and point it to him. "Y/N watch out!" Pansy shouts pointing towards Professor Moody. I see Harry laugh and Professor Moody comes closer to me. 

I begin to walk away and notice Mad eye moody following me. I begin to run down to the dungeons and bump into a tall figure. I look up and see Severus. He helps me up and I stand behind him. Moody is standing opposite Severus. "Don't think about pulling your wand out at Potter next time!" He snaps and I roll my eyes. I hear Severus laugh and walks me back up to the tree. 

He let's me get on his shoulders up to the tree next to Draco. "Attempt two." Draco laughs. I see Crabbe and Goyle behind the tree and the others around the area. "I hope you can jump down in time." Draco smirks. "Just pull me down." I giggle and he nods. 

Potter walks out into the court with Hermione and Ron. Draco pulls me down and we both land flat on our feet. "Oh someone managed to climb a tree this time." Potter smirks. Hermione slaps him. "Y/N is a nice person you know Harry." She smiles. Fred and George appear behind me. "Boo!" They both shout. I jump a bit and turn around to them. "We are staying at Hogwarts, parents have gone to visit our brother Charlie." Fred whispers. "Ron and Ginny are staying behind too. Which means you and Potter get to hate each other more." George whispers. I laugh. I see Severus walking over and I run up to him. "Going for another date with a student Professor?" Potter smirks. "No, in fact I'm taking her to see her father, Dumbledore, you might know him. He is the headmaster of the school." He smirks as we walk away. 

We get to his office and we walk in. I see Professor Moody staring at me. "I was told you chased Y/N through the halls for pulling out her wand." Albus snaps. "Maybe." He smirks. They begin to talk and eventually Albus kicks him out of Hogwarts. "Now Y/N, take these Christmas decorations and make yours and Severus place festive." He smirks handing me a box and Severus two boxes of decorations. "Yay!" I giggle walking out the door. I hear Severus grunt a bit.

We get to our room and he begins to build the tree. "I hate Christmas decorations but it's for you so it doesn't matter." He mumbles. He finishes building the tree and I begin to put Christmas decorations on it. I put a small silver tree in my room with some decorations. I realise I haven't unpacked the new stuff I brought myself. I walk back into the living room to see the decorations all up. "Can we put presents under the tree?" I giggle and he nods. I run into my room and put the presents I got from the others and Severus present under the tree. "One present is hidden for a reason." He smirks and I nod. 

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