Christmas shopping

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It's been two weeks since I was allowed to leave the hospital wing. Me and the girls plan on going Christmas shopping. They all have to walk but I have to go with Severus, Albus and Minerva. I get changed into black jeans, green crop top and a jacket. I decide to put half my hair in a bun and straighten the other half. I do my makeup in peace before someone came barging through the door. Before I could finish, Pansy comes running in. "Y/N! Come on hurry up!" She giggles. "How did you get in?" I mumble looking at her through the mirror. "Well Professor Snape wasn't in the living area so I just ran in, I thought I would find you in here and well here you are." She whispers. 

She walks over to my perfumes and pulls one off the shelf. "Can I use this?" She whispers and I nod. I finish my makeup, and walk over to Pansy. "Y/N let me spruce your outfit up!" She giggles walking towards my wardrobe. She pulls at a green short dress. "Pansy we are going to Hogsmeade not somewhere fancy!" I giggle and she pulls out a skirt and top. I sigh and put the black skirt and green top on. "Okay me and the others will meet you there, don't change please! You look lovely in that!" She giggles sneaking back out. 

Severus walks in. "You look lovely." He smiles walking over to me. He pulls me in by my waist and kisses me. I kiss him back. "Come on, let's get going." He smirks pulling me out by my hand. 

We get to the carriages and he rushes me in. "Oh hello." I giggle taking my seat opposite Minerva. "Took you two long enough." Albus giggles. Severus grunts and the carriage leaves for Hogsmeade. 

We eventually arrive and I'm the last one to get out the carriage. I look around to see Pansy, Jess and Alice all waiting for me. Severus gives me one last kiss on the forehead and let's me go with them. We begin shopping for ourselves. "After this shop, let's all split up and buy the gifts alone." Pansy says. We all agree and I start shopping alone.

I begin to go into some shops and buying some presents. I wonder, what should I get for Sev? I go into an old looking shop, and see they sell mugs. Should I buy him a new mug for his coffee? I walk into the shop and see many mugs. I buy a plain white one so I can use a spell on it later to add an image of me and him. I pay with my galleons and continue shopping. 

I buy myself a lot of new clothes and some new makeup. I buy the others a few presents and I buy some brown paper and string to wrap it all up. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Hello daughter, we don't miss you." My mother sniggers. "I haven't missed you either." I snigger back. She pushes me up on the carriage. "What you going to do? Hit me?" I snigger and she looks into my eyes. "Where are you going dressed like that?" She mumbles. "Back to Hogwarts." I mumble. "I would like it if you removed your hands, stranger." I giggle. "I'm your mother and I always will be." She says letting go. "You have never been a true mother, you may of let me keep my stuff but I had to put up with the abuse for a year! A true mother would never hurt me! Keep out my life." I snap getting in the carriage. 

I shut the carriage door and see the others waiting for me. The carriage is silent the whole way back to Hogwarts. 

We arrive back at Hogwarts and I walk alone to the room. Minerva follows me in and I walk into my area. "Is everything alright dear? I heard you at Hogsmeade to your... mother..." She whispers. "She isn't my mother, she's a stranger to me now." I mumble. She nods. "Can you help me with Sev's present? It's a plain white mug but I want to use a spell to put an image of me and him on it." I giggle and she agrees to help. 

She uses a spell and the image appears. I wrap it up and tie it with string. She asks if I need anymore help and leaves me in peace. I continue to wrap presents up and put them in my wardrobe. I leave the stuff I brought myself all over the place not worrying about them. 

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