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Y/N pov:

I wake up with a silk green blanket covering me, laid perfectly around me. "Severus? Mum? Dad?" I call out. They walk in and Severus hands me a glass of water.  "How long was I out for?" I whisper. "A few hours." Severus whispers. "Did you hear her call us mum and dad?" Dumbledore says in excitement. "Yes!" Minerva says happily. "What happened?" I whisper. "The Hufflepuff looked in your mind but don't worry I used obvliate on him." Severus chuckles. I nod and lie back down. "Can I have a cuddle?" I giggle and Severus lies down to pull me into him. "Get the camera! We are starting a family book!" Albus shouts running to get a camera. I giggle snuggling into Severus, he wraps his arms around me holding me safely. I see a flash and I look up to see them with a camera. 

After a few hours, I go out by myself around the school. I see Ginny Weasley and she tells me to follow her. She takes me into Moaning Myrtles bathroom and opens a passage. She pulls me down with her and we end up landing on bones. "Ew." I look at her disgusted. She grabs my hand and continue to pull me into the dungeons further. We go through a snake door and I see a teenage boy standing waiting for me. "Hello Y/N." He smirks. "Who are you?" I question looking around. "Tom Riddle." He smirks and grabs my wand. I fall to the ground and black out.

Severus pov:

It's been a few hours since I let Y/N go for a walk, and it's now past curfew. Minerva comes running in. "Severus! Come quick!" She says rushing me out the door. We run into the second floor corridor and we see a message written in blood.
Their skeleton will lie in the chamber forever
"Who has been taken?" I snap. "Ginny Weasley and someone else." She mumbles. "Where's Y/N?" She questions. "She must be in the chamber!" I snap worriedly. We hear a screaming and run towards it. 

We see the Justin lying on the ground. He must of been petrified, Madam Pomfey picks him up and carries him to the hospital wing. "If more people continue to get petrified, students must go home." Minerva says worriedly. "No one is leaving until Y/N is found!" I say panicking. "We should let Sirius Black come to the school, you can give him something on Y/N's to sniff her out. We must bring Potter to speak parseltongue." Minevera whispers and I simply nod.

It's the next day and I walk up to Potter in the Great Hall. "We are letting Sirius Black come to the school on one condition, if you help us find Y/N." I mumble and he says Yes Professor. I leave the Great Hall. 

Sirius walks in with Dumbledore behind him. We lead him to Y/N's room and he picks out one of her hoodies. He transforms to a wolf and starts to pick up a scent. I lead him to Potter and he transforms back to human. "Can we hurry up? I don't want to lose Y/N and I'm sure Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore don't want to lose her too." I snap and they nod. He transforms into a wolf again and we walk up to the whining girls bathroom. "The smell stops here." Sirius mumbles. Potter goes to speak to Myrtle and she points to the sink. 

Harry speaks in Parseltongue and the sink opens. Sirius jumps first, next Harry, me, then Minerva. We land on a bunch of bones. I see Y/N's robe on the floor. I pick it up and give it to Sirius. He leads us through a passage. 

We get to a door with seven snakes. Harry speaks in parseltongue and it opens slowly. I step through and see Ginny and Y/N on the floor. "Ginny!" Harry shouts running over to her. Me and Minerva run over to Y/N and she's ice cold. "There's a teenager coming towards us." Sirius mumbles. I look up and see Tom Riddle. We hear movement from behind us and see Albus. "Exploring without me? How rude." He laughs. "Now isn't the time Albus, Tom Riddle is trying to change back to the dark lord." I snap and he gasps. He pulls out his wand and Tom pulls out Y/N's wand. Tom points the wand at us all and we slowly back up from Y/N. He picks her up and carries her further into the chamber. "No!" I shout watching him carry her away. "Not my daughter Tom!" Albus shouts following him. "Daughter?!" Potter shouts in confusion. "What? Me and Albus not allowed to adopt her?" Minerva snaps and Potter looks at us in shock. 

I look behind me to see a Snake's fang. "Potter give me that book Ginny is holding." I snap and he hands it over. I stab it with the fang and I hear Tom shouting. I continue stabbing it and run over to the darker part of the Chamber. I look around for Tom and see he's gone. I pick Y/N up and hold her closely. I walk out with her in my arms and she is slowly waking up. "Sev?" She whispers and I nod. 

Miss Weasley sits up. "The snake? Is it gone?" She shouts and we all look at her in confusion. "Don't trust her! She brought me here!" Y/N shouts. "It was Tom! He made me!" She shouts back. Y/N wraps her arms around me neck and I let go and she puts her legs around me. I place my hands on her to help her stay up. "How we getting out?" Potter asks. I tell everyone to come over to me. I put my arm out and they all grab hold of it. We apperate to Y/N's area of the sleeping quarter.

 "Where are we?" Potter questions. "My room!" Y/N giggles. Sirius gives Y/N her hoodie and she hangs it back up. Potter walks out and walks into the living room along with Miss Weasley and Sirius. They eventually leave and Y/N falls asleep on my lap on the sofa. 

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