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I wake up at 4am to go for a shower. By the time I'm out it's 4:20am. I rush to get changed and to sort my hair out. I use a spell for my makeup to appear in front of me. I rush to get it perfect. I realise it's 4:57. "SHIT" I shout and run to put my robe on. "Might wanna run." Severus chuckles. I sprint out the door straightening my tie. I get the common room just in time and take a seat on the black leather sofa. I realise I left my necklace in Severus' room.
I left my necklace in the bathroom, can you give it to me at breakfast?
I quickly write in the book before some first years come out.

After 10 minutes all the first years have arrived and Draco was last out. I walk them to the Great Hall and they take their seats where they want. Dumbledore walks in and points to my seat. "Sit with the cool kids if you want." He whispers and I stand up and move. Severus walks in with the necklace in his hand. He turns my head and puts it on me. "Lucky I gave you that book." He whispers in my ear and I just smirk. I feel a hand being placed on mine and I look to see Severus holding my hand for the first time. I smile a bit but quickly hides it before anyone sees.

The minister of magic walks into the room and looks around at everyone. Dumbledore looks confused as well. "Who does this bitch think he is coming into my school uninvited?" Dumbledore complains. I smirk a bit at the part he's annoyed. "Sorry for showing up uninvited but I have you have to do the Goblet of fire this year." The minister whispers to Dumbledore. "Why now? Why not wait until students are older? Like yeah 60% are already 17 but that's because they're born earlier than others." Dumbledore complains once again. "I don't make the rules." The minister says grabbing everyone's attention. He talks about the rules for an extremely long time and I nearly dozed off a few times.

He eventually gets on and shows the trophy. "Oh well at least we haven't got any of the other schools, they took up too much space on the tables." Dumbledore complains once again. I roll my eyes at him. "Hey I saw that!" He says to me. "Dumbledore shut up!" The minister says turning around. Dumbledore looks down in embarrassment. "There will be a ring around the Goblet of Fire so don't try any potions to enter yourself. You have until the end of the week." The minister finally finishes off and leaves. "Gosh that was boring." Dumbledore complains. "Anyway how dare you roll your eyes at me! I was being so nice to you and you rolled your eyes at me! I was planning on giving you your chocolate frog card back!" He whispers to me. "I got more chocolate frogs." I smirk. Filch comes running in. "Slytherin first year injured! Must of fell from the moving stairs!" He says yelling. "HAHAHAHAHA I told them about they, now they'll believe me." I say laughing too loud. Severus covers my mouth and drags me out the hall with him. We approach the student and I see it's Alice. "Alice?!" I whisper in panic. I pick her up like a baby and carry her to Madam Promfey. "Thank you for bringing her to me." She says and I leave.

We walk back into the hall. "I literally told them they could fall to their death, yet they don't listen to me." I say and Severus just laughs. "Well maybe next time give them an example of falling off the stairs. Throw someone off them and then they'll understand how painful it is." Severus smirks. The first years look in fear. "You scared them!" I whisper and he just laughs. "I don't feel bad for students." He laughs while we take our seats. I see Fred and George wink at me.

I take the class of potions to potion class. I stand at the door watching them all taking their seats. "Y/N, care to join us?" Severus says and I simply nod. I walk in and take a seat at the very back corner. "Open your books and start to take notes!" Severus snaps. I open my book and look at it in confusion. I see a first year peeping at my book. "Is that what seventh year work looks like?" They whisper. "If you want to succeed this class, you should pay attention and leave me to my work." I mumble. They grunt at me. Severus walks over to me. "Miss
L/N. Where is the book I gave you?" Snape says in a teaching voice. I pull it out my bag and he takes my new book. I open the book to see the correct measurements. I grab my note book and start writing some of this down. "Wait are you Y/N L/N? Like the one who injures people?" The kid whispers to me. "Depends who's asking for a slap." I say in a normal voice. They gulp and continue to write notes. "I was only being nice." He whispers once again. "Nice is another word for let me gain your trust and attempt to kill you. Trust me don't bother being nice to people." I whisper back. "Okay in that case..." he whispers and slaps me. "I DIDN'T MEAN HIT ME!" I yell. "I WILL BREAK YOUR LIMBS!" I yell as I stand up. I get pulled back by Severus. "You! OUT!" Sev snaps. He runs out the class. Severus carries me into his office and slams the door. "You okay? Why did he slap you?" Severus asks in a worried tone. "He told me to be nice so I told him nice gets him nowhere and not to trust anyone so he slapped me." I mumble. "He will have a detention with me tonight." Sev whispers and I walk out the office calmly. Dumbledore walks in. "Professor Snape you have a student out here." He whispers. "He has a detention for slapping Y/N." Sev mumbles. "Oh he did not! Make it a week detention for hurting Y/N! Gosh children need to learn respect." He says in a sassy voice. I laugh.

The rest of the lessons finish and I go to sit in potion class. Before I can knock the door flies open. "Sit at my desk." He smirks. I don't hesitate and sit opposite him. The door knocks and it flies open through a spell. "Sit!" Severus snaps at him. "Why is she here?" He questions and I turn around. "Because I'm allowed and I don't slap people." I mumble. Severus smirks and just nods. Dumbledore and McGonagall walk in. "Woah the four of us reunited during someone's detention. How cool." Dumbledore giggles. "Severus please don't deduct house points from him, my house is already in negative." McGonagall whispers. "20 points to Slytherin for excellent reading skills Y/N!" Severus smirks. "I'm not even reading but okay." I giggle. "Minerva you have to admit Y/N did get slapped by one of your students." Dumbledore giggles. The kid stands up. "Y/N you will pay for this! You and your so what called precious life will regret all of this!" He shouts and runs out the class. "I did nothing! I only threatened to break his bones!" I say while they all look at me. "Fair enough." Severus smirks.

I go to dinner and I get tripped up by him. (Let's call him Max). "Is that all you have?" I mumble pulling myself up. "No I have worse but I'm just getting started." Max whispers. "No need to whisper, people can hear you." I smirk walking off. He pulls my back to him by my robe. "What do you mean people heard that?" Max snaps at me. "Oh my goodness!" McGonagall says. I grab Max's wrist. "It's none of your concern kid." I snap letting go of his wrist. "You're weak! You didn't do a thing to me!" He smirks turning around. "Oh please I haven't started yet." I giggle.

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