The nightmare

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Y/N in the nightmare:
It seems to be dark. Very dark. I can't move at all, my hands are tied to what seems to feel like a tree. It was ice cold. I was in my usual silk green pyjama shorts and silk green pyjama crop top. The ground was dirty. I soon realise I'm tightly chained. Who could of done this to me? Is this a dream? Where am I? I start to panic but hear footsteps. "Shut up you're safe... well kind of safe." I hear in the shadows. "What do you mean kind of?! Am I safe or not? Plus where am I?" I ask confused and clueless. "You're in a dream which has the power to communicate to us. Now who are you staying with in the castle?" I hear the same voice again. "A friend! She's really nice!" I say while holding back the truth. "She's clearly lying! She has to be staying in another houses room!" I hear another voice but this time a rather annoying one. "Professor Lockhart? You know when you speak it's really easy to tell by that annoying voice of yours!" I laugh. "Be quiet Y/N!" He shouts back. "And I know who you're staying with. You even answer this question or else. Why did Professor Snape come and take you from my detention with you?" He whispers into my ear. "He was making sure nothing was going on and he clearly saw what you were doi—"

"Y/N! WAKE UP!" Sev shouts. "Huh?" I mumble. "You were talking to someone in your sleep. Who was it?" He looks at me concerned. "Professor Lockhart and someone else in the shadows. Severus I'm scared." He pulls me on his lap and puts his arms around me. He strokes my back while I wrap my arms around his neck. I start to cry a little in fear as I feel his other hand be placed around my waist. "It will be okay darling, I'll protect you no matter what. I love you Y/N L/N." I tell him I love him back in a whimpered voice. He lies me back down on top of him as we both fall asleep.

It gets spicy in this paragraph heheheheheh

We get woken up after a few hours with a burst through the door. "I TOLD YOU ALBUS!" Says Lockhart. "Oh I ship. They're cute together. Don't be jealous Lockhart." Dumbledore says in a cheerful matter. "Get out Professor Lockhart! You chained me to a tree in my dreams!" I say with fear in my eyes. "Stupid girl doesn't know what she/he is talking about!" He says. "I suppose you get out before I make you Lockhart!" Says Sev in a low angry voice. He runs out cowedly. I look at Dumbledore and he gives me the love wink. I chuckle a bit while Severus is just smiling back at him. "Right well I best be off before he tells Minerva. Enjoy cuties xoxoxo!" Says Dumbledore as he takes little trots off. We both laugh and go into the kitchen for breakfast.

We get into his lovely kitchen but Sev seems off. "Somethings wrong?" I ask concerned. He picks me up and sits me on the counter kissing me as he whispers "Lockhart set a camera up so play along." He hides it by kissing into my neck. I open my legs so he can pull me into him closer. I whisper back "Take me away in your eyes." He chuckles as she goes back to my lips kissing them hard. I kiss him back. He uses a spell to clear the table and pins me down on it. He starts to go back into my neck leaving hickey's. I let out a small moan as he starts to undo my top. I hear a drop and we both see a camera on the floor. "Ha he must of gotten jealous. Don't blame him you're beautiful, wonderful, incredible and amazing at everything." He says in a warm voice. He sits me on the table for the first as he destroys the camera and comes back to me. He continued to unbutton my top revealing my bare chest. He continues to kiss me all over as he pulls me in closer and closer. He pulls his black pyjama top off revealing his bare chest. I feel his hands on the top of my shorts pulling them down and my pants. He does the same for himself and sits on a chair. He pulls me onto his lap still kissing me all over. "Severus I'm going to be covered in marks." I whisper but he whispers back "Oh well everyone will know you are taken and in a good relationship." I smirk and start to kiss into his neck leaving him a hickey. He starts to slide his dick into me pulling it in and out softly. "I should of asked but you wouldn't of stopped me." He chuckles. I moan softly in time with him. I start to kissing him hard on his shoulders leaving little marks. "You should be punished for your detention from yesterday." I smirk at him as he starts to pull his dick in and out harder. I moan a little louder as he looks at me in pleasure. "Don't hold it in you can cum if you clean it with your mouth." He chuckles as I do so. He stops as I get down to clean it while I suck on it too. He moans in pleasure. We stop because we hear footsteps. He is fully changed and I'm still buttoning up my top the door barges open. It's no one other than Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. "OMG- Y/N!" Draco shouts. "HOW DID YOU GET IN?!" I shout back. "Professor Dumbledore sent us to get Professor Snape." Snape moves my hair to cover the hickeys slightly. "What are you doing Professor?" Draco asks in a concerned tone. "Nothing. Now what does he need Malfoy?" He snaps back. Crabbe sneaks behind us and pulls my hair back. "HA! Hickey's!" Crabbe says. I slap him and pull my wand out. "DARLING- I MEAN Y/N DON'T!" Snape shouts. "You're lucky this time next time I will end you!" I threaten Crabbe as he walks back to the other two. Snape grabs my hand and we go to Dumbledore's office as I'm in my pyjamas still and Severus magically changed. Everyone was looking at me in my pyjamas. He whispers "Don't make it obvious
Y/N" I nod and we go to Dumbledore's office.

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