Common room

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I am writing this at 1:35am so beware this chapter might be weird. Anyway enjoy!

Y/N pov:
Pansy nudges me in the arm a bit and whispers "When I walked in were you kissing Professor Snape?" I grab her shoulders and turn her to me and whisper "Do not tell anyone! I've had a crush on him since first year!" She nods and promises to keep her mouth shut and we shortly arrive back to the common room.

I hear the most disgusting voice talk to me "Babe! I've missed you! Where were you?" I gag and say "Nowhere." He grabs my hips and pulls me into kiss him. "Get off me! NOW!" I scream but he doesn't listen. "Do you want to be punished?" I look down and say no. He pulls me closer to him as I look around scared. He pulls my sleeves up and chuckles. "I hope those hurt because I know you've been with another boy haven't you?!" He punches me in the arm as I scream for help. Professor Snape appears in and picks me up. "Headmasters office now Mr Flint!" I disappear with Serverus pulling my sleeves back down in fear. "You should pack your bags, you aren't staying in that common room any longer!" I gulp and whisper "Where would I sleep then?" He smirks at me and continues to carry me in his arms back to his room.

He lifts up my sleeves to see bruises and marks from where Marcus has hit me multiple times. Snape looks at me in concern but I look down at the dark oak wooden floor. "Darling you should of told me sooner!" He says in a worried tone. "I-I didn't want to worry you and plus I'm f-fine!"

Night appears and we got for supper together. He uses his cloak to bring us to the great hall and I appear next to Madam Pince and Snape. "Whoops wrong spot don't you think?" Snape looks at me and smiles. I hear whispers about me standing there so I walk down and sit with the First years as Jess (made up girl) asks me "How did you get him to smile?" I just laugh and start to eat (your favourite food). I feel a figure stand behind me and hear a whisper "You'll pay for my detentions Y/N!" I turn around and get punched to the floor. Snape gets up and stands in front of before he could do any more harm. "Don't you think you've done enough? The poor girl is terrified because of you!" He laughs and walks off. I see a large hand be placed out in front of as the whole hall looks over to us. I take his hand and walk off with him as he covers me with his cloak.

Draco's POV:
"Did you see him smile when they both just appeared?" Pansy stays quiet while eating soup. "He put his cloak around her and walked off with her like nothing happened! Pansy you know something tell me!" She looks up and shakes her head. The Great hall continues to gossip about what just happened.

Snape's POV:
I take her into her dorm for her to pack her bags. After she's done packing I use a spell to bring the bags to my room. She grabs her last few bits. We disappear into my room and see everything is unpacked in a new wardrobe. She looks at me in relief like she had to get out of that common room and dorm. She goes into the bathroom to get changed into long sleeved pyjamas. She lies down in bed and drifts off to sleep. I smile and lie down next to her to hold her tight and kiss her forehead.

I hear a window smash in my potion class and assume it was a ghost playing about. I get up to see the Dark Lord in my room with his wand. "I either make her a deatheater or she dies. It's your choice Severus." I wake Y/N up as she looks at Voldemort in fear. "Could you give us a minute my lord?" He walks into the small kitchen and shuts the door. "I need you to become a deatheater or he will kill you! I can't lose you but I promise I will always protect you from anything." She nods in agreement as the dark lord walks back to us. I pull Y/N's arm out as I see the mark appear on her arm. "Very well. Try not to have too much fun haha." He disappears and I see Y/N scared. "I will protect you with everything I can! I won't let anyone harm you or even lay a finger on you now." She smiles and goes back to sleep. I continue to hold her tight and close as we both drift off to sleep. She has head on my chest as she sleeps and I have my hands around her waist.

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