Birthday party

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Very sorry the pictures are the same, I'm typing on my laptop which seems to be easier for me to write.

After Severus finished feeding me his chocolate covered strawberries I can finally eat my cake. I eventually finish and people start leaving. Eventually everyone left apart from me and the professors.

Dumbledore uses a flick of his wand and the room becomes a party area. The tables are gone and it looks very green and silver. My eyes get covered as we leave the Great Hall. McGonagall takes me back to my new area in Severus room and does my nails. She adds the birthday crown on my head again and clips it in. She cleans up my hair. I leave the room to let her get changed. "I hope you've learnt to dance." Sev smirks. "Nope. Might want to hold onto me tight." I giggle. Dumbledore comes out in green robes. "I thought you didn't wear green." Severus smirks while looking at Dumbledore. He rolls his eyes and McGonagall walks out in her green Yule Ball dress.

We head to the Great Hall but as soon as I could turn the corner my eyes are covered. I hear my black heels tapping the ground as I take my slow steps forward. I hear the doors open and the hands are removed from my face. I see a whole dance floor, new cake, people I actually like and the Professors. I walk over to the cake and look at the top. Dumbledore runs over. "OOPS THATS THE WEDDING CAKE!" He shouts and changes it quickly. "Wedding?! I just turned 17!" I mumble and he tuts. "Never too young or too old to get married." He giggles walking off. 

"Can the first dance?" Severus asks. "I told you I can't dance!" I giggle but he takes my hand. I look over to see Fred and George. We start dancing and I trip a bunch of times. "I thought you said you would grip onto me tight." I whisper and I feel his grip tighter. "Is that better?" He smirks and I nod. We continue to dance and he spins me around on the spot. I feel my dress blowing in the wind. He pulls me back in and kisses me. "Yes! They are getting married soon! I feel it!" Dumbledore shouts. I look over at me and deeply stare at him. "Just because she is above the age doesn't mean you interrupt her love life." McGonagall says. "DANCE! She is giving a deadly stare." Dumbledore says pulling my mother figure in for a dance. The song ends and I stop dancing. I take a seat next to Fred and George. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They scream in each of my ears. I jump a bit and they laugh. "Can we have a dance?" They both ask one after the other. "I can't dance!" I giggle and they pull me up. They pull me over to the dance floor and start dancing with each other. "See it's easy." They laugh. They grab each of my hands and start to dance with me. I fall over and they laugh at me. "Told you." I giggle and they help me up. 

I walk over to the chocolate fountain and stand next to it. "Boo!" Draco says coming from behind me. I scream and turn around. "Draco Lucius Malfoy! Don't scare me like that!" I say laughing. "Ha! Scared you!" He laughs grabbing a marshmellow stick putting it in the chocolate. A slow song comes on and Severus pulls me onto the dance floor. "Not again." I giggle. "I saw you fall over so now I'll help you dance." He smirks. He places a strong grip on my waist and I realise everyone is watching us. "I'm going to embarrass myself." I giggle. "MINERVA START DANCE LESSONS WITH Y/N!" Severus shouts at her smirking. I look at him in the eyes and he looks back at me. He begins to dance and I feel his grip loosen. "No no no! I'm going to fall!" I whisper falling backwards. He catches me and pulls me up to his chest. 

An hour passes and I hug my friends goodbye and they leave. I realise it's 9pm and I still have stuff in the common room. "Go get your stuff dear and then come back to my place." He whispers and I nod. 

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