Great hall

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Snape pov:
It's the next day and I must of fell asleep on the couch with Y/N. I'm thankful that Minerva and Albus forgot about Valentines time, I can spend it in peace with Y/N. I might buy her a necklace so I can communicate with her while she's somewhere else. I just want to keep her safe. It's 5am and Y/N is still asleep. I slowly get up from the couch and pick Y/N up. I carry her to bed, I tuck her in and give a small kiss on her forehead. I walk out in the living and see Minerva and Albus sitting on the same couch as yesterday. "What do you two want now?" I mumble. "We checked the calendar and it's Valentines time in 3 days!" Albus says with proud. "What are you going to get Y/N? I'll take Y/N with me to buy your present because of how fussy you are." Minerva giggles. "You two are so childish and I already know what I'm getting her." I mumble once again. "Severus Snape! Are you keep it a secret from us? Come on we are your best friends! We won't tell her, will we Minerva?" Albus giggles like a girl. I roll my eyes and sit on the other couch. "I'm getting her a necklace, it will be used to communicate while we are away from each other." I whisper making sure Y/N doesn't hear. I see a bright smile come on their face. "How adorable Severus. She will love it." Minerva says. "DON'T FORGET CHOCOLATES!" Albus decides to stupidly shout. "Albus! Y/N is asleep!" I whisper shout. He mumbles oops and Minerva looks at him.

After a few hours of talking with Minerva and Albus Y/N wakes up. She comes into the living room and sits by the fire with a blanket wrapped around her. I chuck a pillow at her and instead of catching it, it hits her in the face. "Ow..." she whispers but I just laugh. Minerva and Albus let out a giggle. "Y/N go get ready for school, breakfast starts in an hour." I say in a demanding calm voice. She just nods and goes for a shower.

Breakfast is finally ready and we all walk in. Before breakfast is handed out Albus stands at his podium and announces "I would like to thank
Y/N L/N for defeating the dark lord and if it wasn't for her this school would be gone. I want you all to realise Y/N isn't a bad person but just needs her own personal space. Anyway it's Valentine's Day in 3 days and I am hosting a dance in here so get your date and dresses! If you don't have a date don't dance for the slow songs. Thanks kids. Now Y/N take a bow because I said so." I see just stare at him. I pull her hood down and she stands up. She bows and sits straight back down. "Okay eat!" Dumbledore finally finishes and takes his seat.

Y/N pov:
"Did I embarrass you?" Dumbledore whispers to me. "No." I whisper back. "DAMN IT!" He shouts. I start uncontrollably laughing and some people stare at me. "You got to try a lot harder than that Professor." I try to say but struggling to stop laughing. I see the great hall doors open and it's no other than Marcus. He takes a seat closest to the Professor table. "Hey Y/N! I see you didn't believe me. Tough luck with that, I did warn you." He tells me. "Fuck off I don't want to talk to you." I mumble but before I can say anything Severus covers my mouth. I sit back in my chair and he removes his hand. Dumbledore turns to me "You just swore. Woah I hope you offended him." He whispers giggling. I raise an eyebrow at him and eat a slice of toast. "Come on Y/N eat." Sev mumbles to me but I shake my head no. "I'm not hungry. Marcus' teeth have put me off my food." I mumble back. "HOW DARE YOU TWO GOSSIP WITHOUT ME AND MINERVA! MINERVA YOU HEARING THIS?" He shouts. "ALBUS!" Sev shouts. I start laughing again and Minerva looks at me and Severus in shock. "I'm actually offended. I was going to show you all my secret tunnels Y/N!" He whispers to me but I just start laughing again. "Breakfast dismissed. Go to your first classes." Dumbledore says while letting out a sniffle.

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