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I woke up without an extra body next to me. I looked around to see Severus no where to be seen. I realise I slept through the whole day and it's 7:58pm. I get changed and walk down to his classroom.

I see Potter sitting at a desk writing. "Oh you've finally woke up." He smirks and nods for me to take a seat anywhere. I decide to take a seat in front of Potter. I see he's brewing a potion awfully wrong. "Don't add th-" I get cut off with black smoke covering the two of us. "Idiot." I mumble.

I look up to see Severus eyeing Harry. I hear Harry gulp. "You were only meant to add two snake fangs." I mumble dusting myself off. "Why does it say three then?" He snaps and I shrug. "I didn't invent the books." I mumble sitting back down.

"I was thinking, we should stop hating each other and start to become friends." He whispers. I turn around and look at him in the eyes. "Fine but I'm still going to beat your ass in quidditch tomorrow." I snap and turn back around to see Severus smirking. "Make the best win." Harry says as his potion explodes again. 

~Next Day~

I wake up to feel a hand stroking my hair. "Morning darling." I hear a morning voice mumble. "Morning." I whisper rolling over. "You need to get ready for quidditch." He mumbles and sits up. I instantly get up and get ready for quidditch.

I walk into the Great Hall and take a seat with my fellow Slytherin's for a change. "What's the old bat done now?" Pansy whispers. "Nothing, just thought of sitting with you lot for a change." I mumble and they all hug me. I push them off and begin to eat breakfast.

I take my place in the Quidditch pitch and the snitch is realised. It flies around me and Harry and the game begins.

I begin circling the pitch and notice Harry chasing something. I fly over and we begin to knock into each other brooms.

We get near the teachers stand and Potter hits me into their stand. I fall flat on my chest. "Y/N?" I hear a whisper and a hand placed on my back. "I'm okay!" I shout sitting up. I scream in the pain of a rib. "Make the pain stop!" I scream with tears in my eyes. "Albus do something!" Mother shouts and he runs over. He mutters a spell and I feel the pain slowly go.

I stand up and put my arm out for my broom. "Don't! You'll hurt yourself more." Severus mumbles. "I'm going to win this for Slytherin." I mumble back and get on the broom.

I fly around and catch the snitch. I slowly fly back onto the ground and give the snitch the Madam Hooch.

"Sorry about that." Someone calls from behind me. "I don't mind, I still won." I smirk turning around. "You're more competitive than me." Potter smirks as I roll my eyes. "Miss L/N, that was very dangerous to continue playing after your father healed you." Severus says slowly. I giggle and roll my eyes. "Bye Harry." I say pulling Severus away from the crowd.

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