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Reader check up! How are you enjoying this? Please excuse it's not the best book but I enjoy writing it! Anyway back to the book enjoyyyy!

Snape's Pov:
I wake up to see Y/N is gone. I look at the time and realise it's 9:30am and I must of slept in. I quickly shower and get dressed for the day and head to the Great Hall. As I walk in everyone stares at me for being late. I see Y/N laughing at me so I decide to go over to her. "Something funny Y/N. I mean Miss L/N..." She laughs at me and says "No Professor but did you have a nice sleep in?" I groan and walk to my table. She looks at me so innocently I start to smile. Students look at me confused so I hide my smile. I see Draco has decided to sit Y/N and Jess is opposite her. She's in her Quidditch uniform and it suits her very well. She is the best seeker Slytherin has ever had.

Y/N Pov:
It seems weird Draco is sitting next to me, since we barely talk, I assume he had an argument with Pansy or someone. Draco looks at me says "So Y/N where will you spend Christmas this year?" He looks at me with a smirk. "In Hogwarts... I don't want to go home.." I whisper "With the mark... My parents will kill me." He sighs and we finish our breakfast. I stand up to go for Quidditch. Draco slaps me on the bum "Wow rude. You're going to die my boyfriend saw that hehe." I mumble and he turns around to look at Snape. "FUCK" Draco yells. Everyone looks at him and I run off laughing. I see Jess running after me and we left Draco to himself. "So who's your boyfriend Y/N?" I hear Jess whisper. "Secret, it can't be revealed because of who they are." She looks at me confused and nods.

It's time for Quidditch and we all take our places. I see Severus standing at the teachers tower looking at me. I see Harry eyeing me. "What you looking at?" I say in confidence. "You seem to looking at the Professor's. It's about to start." He says back to me but I roll my eyes. Everything has been released. Me and Harry are chasing after the Snitch until another Gryffindor comes up to my other side. They've squashed me into each other. I kick Seamus off his broom. Harry looks at me scared and moves away from me. I hear the other Slytherin's cheering me on and I see Snape clapping slowly. I see Gryffindor have 50 points and Slytherin is at 20. I feel my broom wobble under me. I try to take control and just fly around the Quidditch area to find try and find the Golden Snitch. Harry seems to going certain ways and I decide to follow him. We are both in front of the Snitch trying to grab it. My broom starts to wobble more and I start to lose control. I continue flying around but I fully lose control. I scream in fear trying to gain control back. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I'm 60 feet in the air and I start falling. I land on another broom and start hearing Harry shout "CHEAT!" I smirk and go to the beater. He follows me and we have in the middle of us. I kick his broom and the Kyle (made up guy) hits his broom with the bat. Harry is on the ground in pain. "Hit Oliver with the ball at his broom then we win if we score enough, I'll go after the Snitch." Kyle nods and flies over to Oliver. Two minutes later Oliver is on the floor. I chase after the snitch and eventually grab it in front of the Professors Stand. Snape let's out his hand and I grab it. He pulls me to the Professor stand and most of them look confused. "What happened to your broom earlier?" Sev asks in a worried tone. "Someone was controlling it but then another broom came?" I question myself. "Oh that was magical then." He laughs. "AHHH YES! MY SHIP IS GETTING STRONGER!" Dumbledore shouts and everyone is looking at us. Snape trips me up onto the floor to hide me. "DUMBLEDORE SHUSH! THE SCHOOL DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP WITH Y/-" Professor McGonagall buts in "Both of you stop the whole school is looking and poor Y/N is on the floor." I see Snape and Dumbledore laugh. Lee Jordan looks at me in shock and whispers "Are you dating Professor Snape?" I look at him "What? No.. Why would I ever date a Professor? That's disgusting." I try to hide my smile but hear "Oblivate!" From Snape. McGonagall shouts "YOU CAN'T OBLIVATE A STUDENT!" Snape shouts back "HE WAS TALKING TO Y/N!" The school was leaving but some students look back. "STUDENTS GO BACK TO THE SCHOOL!" Dumbledore shouts and some Professors leave. "Lee leave!" Snape snaps. After he leaves its just me, McGonagall, Dumbledore, Quirrel, Snape and Lockhart left at the tower. Sev pulls me up and he takes a seat. "Sorry about that the school shouldn't of seen you here." He says. I look down and see Hermione. "HERMIONE STOP BEING NOSEY AND LEAVE BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" I shout and she runs. "Shit sorry lost my temper. That girl annoys me." I laugh to myself. Snape pulls me onto his lap. I look at the Professor's and see Lockhart staring at me. I stare back at him while the other teachers look at the both of us. Snape stares at him dead in the eye and Lockhart gulps. "E-excellent work today Y/N!" Lockhart spits out. I roll my eyes and Professor McGonagall says "Is everything okay Y/N?" I look at her "No. Professor Lockhart is ruining my sleep by being in my nightmares with Marcus. They have me chained to a tree in some dark forest!" I says with fear in my voice. Sev puts his hands around me. "Don't worry Y/N we will sort him out." Dumbledore says. "I-I-I s-s-should g-g-go." Quirrel stutters out. The Professors Nod in agreement and he leaves. Snape covers my ears and I can see McGonagall and Dumbledore yelling at Lockhart. I look up at Snape and he just gives me a small smirk. I notice someone on the ground in the middle of the Quidditch area. I jump off Snape's lap and run down.

I run over to them and see it's Harry lying there in pain. "Aww did that hurt?" I laugh. He stands up and points his wand at me. "WHO CARRIES A WAND IN A GAME ON QUIDDITCH?!" I shout as he continues pointing his wand at me. "CRUCIO!" He shouts. "OWWW AHHH YOU BITCH! THAT HURTS! STOP!" I scream in pain and I see all the Professors staring down at us. "HARRY STOP! AHHHHHH!" I continue screaming in pain. All the Professors run over and I hear "Expelliamous!" From Sev. Severus picks me up and holds me in his arms. The teachers look at me concerned. "You cheated Y/N and now my broom is broken, I'm injured and half the team is in the hospital wing!" He shouts. "You should be glad you aren't next." I say in pain. I look up to see Snape laughing at me. "You don't back down to anyone do you?" He whispers "No! I don't allow it! Honestly I will never back down to a student but a Professor maybe." I shout. He continues laughing at me and carries me off the Quidditch pitch.

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