Chapter one ||Pushing away||

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My friends Oswald and Demo are suppose to come over today! I was so excited I howl out of excitement.
I started wagging my bum.

I was in my living watching animal planet, I howled along with the wolves in the TV.

Diiing! Doong!

I barked at the sound of the doorbell. I completely forgotten about the guys, good thing they've got the keys to my house.

"Now what are you up to?" Said Demo being followed behind by Oswald. He closed the door behind them locking it.

"O-Oh! Um nothing just Uhh I was watching animal planet.." I tried not to stutter.

"We heard your 'mating call' before we even got out the car~" Oswald teased at the fact I was still Daddy less.

"S-Shut the fuck up dummy" I cursed at him.

"Such a bad puppy! I outta spank your a-" he was stopped by Demo.

"No more bad habits" Demo said calming Oswald.

"OK listen Frederick we think its about time that you finally go out a find your reckless ass a caregiver" Oswald was angry obviously.

So much for bad habits.

"I said no I'm fine, y'all are really starting to get on my last nerves!" I walk up them.

"When you've decided to be a big boy and get a caregiver give us a call, we've done the best we've possibly can to get you one" Demo basically telling me I'm on my on now.

They walked out except for Oswald after he said "we'll be calling you now and than" he closed locking my door.

"Dumb asses" I said under my breath.


I got done taking a really bubbly bubble bath, avoiding my toys scattered across the bathroom floor as I got out of the bath draining it.

I dried off than put on some clothes and packed my bag before heading out.

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