(Chapter Thirteen) ||Why I punished you||

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Fredrick was trapped by the bigger man's arms making it hard to escape. Hiccups after hiccups, Fredrick finally calms down a little bit. He could still feel the stinging sensation caused by the bigger man.

"Attaboy" said Ben the bigger man. Gently rubbing the smaller one's head.

Fredrick made as much space as he could from Ben.

"Oi, I hope I didn't paralyze ya lad" Said Ben. As expected Fredrick didn't say a word.

"Luv" Ben stood Fredrick to his feet facing towards the older man.

"Now tell me why were you punished?" Ben untied the Paci from around Fredrick's head setting it on the counter. Fredrick shrugged "are you lying?" Mr.Ben questions. Fredrick shook his head. "I need words little man" a smack to his pamper was delivered, not to soft nor hard but enough for Fredricks sore hiney to sting a little more. "N-No" Fredrick said.

"Well do you remember" he picked up Fredrick setting him on his hip walking to the kitchen. "what you said before I came in your room" he finished. that's when it snapped "Oh..." Said Fredrick. He remembers now, he said the F word.

"That's right little bubble" Fredrick blood rushed to his cheeks a little bit from the new unfamiliar nickname. "Lets get some nom noms, yeah?" Mr.Ben offered. Fredrick just wiggles excitedly in his grasp earning a rusty deep chuckle from Mr.Ben.

He sat Fredrick in a high chair and turned on some kiddy shows for him to watch as he got out some veggies and yogurts out the fridge. Mr.Ben expertly diced two apples an orange and two baby bananas and some broccoli and salad and put it in a sky blue plastic bowl with a matching baby spoon and a baby bottle with angel milk in it and sat it in front of Fredrick not before putting a bib around Fredricks neck.

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