(Chapter Sixteen) ||Forgive and forget||

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The look on his face was priceless if this situation was funny. It was the complete opposite of funny, I was actually shocked and somewhat scared.

He backed out of my room and closed the door immediately.


Mr. Ben pov

My chest was heaving up and down, I couldn't control my breathing and for the first time in years, I was losing my bloody composure.

I slowly looked down and quickly spotted my pants becoming tighter and a tent growing behind my pants zipper

'Bloody hell'

I groaned rubbing a hand down my face.


I went downstairs to make an ice pack and set it on my bulge before coming back up and this time knocking on Frederick's door.

"Lad, I'm sorry can we talk" I didn't hear anything besides the sound of sobs on the other side of the door.

I cautiously let myself in once more.
I found the poor lad in tears sucking his pacifier and holding a stuffed animal possum.

"Oh no no no lad it's okay" I held the poor pup in my arms gently rocking us back and forth.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry" I said over and over.

"It's weird for a guy to wear panties I know..." he said in between sobs.

"What? Oh...no no no lad, it's not weird at all, if that's what you like then that's what you like" I rub his tears away with my thumb.

I planted kisses in his hair.

"Really?" He sniffs. "Of course" he looked up at me.

"Aw puppy face" I hugged him into my chest.

"And you know what else?" He raised his brow curiously.

"I think you looked so cute" I whispered I'm his ear while poking at his sides. He giggled and squirmed.

"Hehe, daddy stop" we both pause.

"I'm.." before he could say anything else I shoved his pacifier in his mouth.

"I'm the happiest man alive" he buried his blushed face in between my pecs


Frederick pov

"I'm the happiest man alive," he said, then I buried my heated face in between his tight moobs

"Your daddy's boy now huh lad?" He tickles my sides making me giggle uncontrollably. "Come on boy, say it for daddy" he pokes my sides

"Hehe yes YES!" I covered my red face giggling against his chest.

"Good boy puppy" I melt against him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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