Chapter Four ||Double-Trouble||

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I am on the couch snacking on candy watching while the stranger was sitting at my island on his phone texting god knows who.

"I think that's enough candy for one day mate"

I looked at him.

"Fuck you"

He looked a me surprised.
"Alright go to your room"
I gave him and shocked expression.

"Pardon?" I got up from the couch and walked up to him kinda towering him since he's in the chair.

Then he got up and his height towered over me on its own.
"Did I stutter" he said.

He stood at full height his muscles and abs threatened to rip from his shirt. His eyes glowed from a source of light.
He clenched his hands into a fist, while his face is so very serious to the point where its scary.

It dearly turned me on. My cock was twitching in my pantie, I could feel it immediately slap against my tummy loudly, hoping the sound didn't caught the guys attention. It was so hard it hurt. I started rubbing my legs together.

"Okie papa- i mean what ever baka" he looked at me shock for little bit but quickly shook it off.

"Alright now go" I followed orders.
I went to my room angrily.

I sat in one of my chairs staring at my plaint on my little table with the same chair on the other side of the table. I was practically sitting under my bunk bed house thing.


I played with my teddy and quickly remember my hard from earlier. I groaned in pain as I can't even touch it, I decided to ride out my pleasure by humping my little table as my teddy bear was to soft to do so.

•~little smut of some sort, you have been warned~•


I took off my pants. I couldn't take off my panties my cock hurts to much to do so.

I laid across my little table and started humping, it released some pleasure but not enough.
I was starting to get frustrated.

I ditched the table and went up to my bunked and closed the doors and started grinding the pillow.

"Hah~ Papa b-bear~ Ahh!~ ha!~" I add much pressure as possible, it still hurt, than a thought came to mind, the guy with his serious face that towered so easily over me without even trying at all, now that made me came, hard.

"Ga-Gah!~ P-Papa!~Hm!~-" I collapsed in deep sleep feeling amazing.


I was watching wally as the boy was on time out, I thought I heard noise but I shook it off.
I texted my friends what I'm doing and stuff. Than I can't believe it took me this long to realise there's baby things everywhere, did the kid had some siblings or something, I hope there nothing like the little bratt.
'Or maybe...just maybe he's he's not! Even though he acts like one, sleep in like one looks like one..ok what if he is than what? I am looking for one I guess' I was basically having a conversation with myself right now.

I'll just relax, at least I'm getting paid more to not leave no matter what, that counts right?


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