Chapter Six ||Fucking Knew It||

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It's bright and early this morning. I'm currently talking to Oswald And Demo about the boy behavior, but the next thing I spit out was if he was a little, I didn't want to say ddlb because that might be offensive, so when they told me they admitted and said yes, I was surprise and because the reason I only said little, was because most people are very confused to what that means but they said yes.
Demo came out with.
"All you got to do is babysit him, you don't have to treat him like a little, I can pay you extra for the inconvenience"
I politely decline and told them if it was okay if I took him as mine when i'm ready to ask him.
Immediately they said yes, they sounded so happy that its starting to have effect on me. They thanked me and paid me extra just cause.
'What odd interesting people' I thought to myself.
I hung up and smiled to myself.
I walked to the boy's room and knocked on his door.

No response

I knocked again.
Was heard from the other side.
"Can I come in?!"
It went silence for a split second.
"Come back I'm a little bit busy!"
"Uh sure yeah!"
I walked away. I sat at the island counter finishing my breakfast while his food is getting cold.
'What in the world could he be doing' I looked outside watching birds chasing each other.

My mate Cardigan calls me more often ever since that day he met his potential little. I can't wait to see the little bundle. I also told him about my potential bundle, I guess you can say we found our own on the same day, cool right?

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