[Chapter Seven] ||Hooked||

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I was busy trying to respond to this dude on an app called safe space. He was so into my body than my personally. His name is Billy Conroy. He goes to therapy for anxiety and he gets irritated too fast, even on chat!!!!!

We barely talked more than twenty minutes and already he wanted to meet me, I didn't even get a chance to call this off! Eh as long as he don't show up. I deleted the conversation knowing this won't end well if we kept this going.

"Oi Bud your food is getting cold!" I groaned in frustration.
"How the fuck am I suppose to know you made me breakfast!"
I could feel the annoyed look in his eyes through my door.
"You said you were busy buddy"
I went to my door, I opened it and walked past the jerk without any eye contact.
I went downstairs and walked in the kitchen and sat at my island counter eating a big plate.
"Aye that's my plate!"
I stared in his eyes glaring at him frustratedly scooping the eggs into my mouth growling at him.
"You know what have it I'm tired I'll be back don't go anywhere" he grabbed his man bag and his coat and hat then left.
"I can do whatever the fuck I want dumbass" I muttered after he left than I finished my food and luckily I got a invite from one of my fellow littles.


I realized I been wearing the same clothes for the two days I think?
I took myself a messy bubble bath than brushed my teeth and brushed my hair than got dressed.

I packed the stuff I needed and left out the house after locking the door

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I packed the stuff I needed and left out the house after locking the door.
I went to the mall and met up with Zowie and Zane.

Zowie: A freckle body girl with short dark red hair. Her skin tone is pale ivory, she has emerald eyes. She loves food and weights a hundred and two(not to skinny nor fat) her height is six point eight.

Zane:Clean skin guy who just graduated along with zowie. His hair is black with streaks of dark blue mixed with light blue. His skin is beige. He has golden blue eyes. He weights a good amount. His height is seven point six. He loves writing books on wattpad and eating with Zowie and Frederick.


I ran up to the two waving my hands and giggling. They heard me because they turned around fast and ran to me picking me up into tight hugging squeeze.

Couldn't really make it long this time as I have a new book to work on but I'd appreciated if you like follow and comment on this book then it will tell me to make more and give me courage.
Till then be safe😝

🎶Trrryyyy not to hold me down, feel aliiivve when I'm in this town, look at the beautiful stars i'm gonna drive a faster car, nothing can break me nono nothing can break me!🎶

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