(Chapter Nine) ||The Truth||

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Me Frederick are at the island counter doing nothing at this moment just staring.

"Are you gonna yell at me or what?!" He jumped to the point.

"No. Let's start over since we didn't properly met" I wanted to get to know him more.

"Okay" he gave in.

"Me name is Ben Hamilton yours?" I asked.

"Frederick Elrod my friends call me Freddy, pretty dumb name huh?" He chuckled.

"Actually its pretty cute if I do say so myself"

he immediately hid behind his hands.


"S-Staph!"he turned away.

"Oh? Is someone flustered?" I leaned over to his face.

"No! I don't know what you mean!" He tried to scoot back in his chair.

He didn't see me get up from my chair. I am now towered over him. After a moment of silence he uncovered his face and screech when he seen me. I lifted his face and leaned in.

"Ye outta be pulling your own bloody strings if ya think ye can get out of this one...pup~" I realised what I said but I don't think he knows that I know his secret.

Just as I suspected, I am correct.

"Ha! As if! Imagine if I was an actually puppy you know like a little space type thing- oh you might not know what that is"

I'll break it out now.

"Actually I do I'm looking for one actually ye know?" he froze in literal shock.

"O-Oh..well um that's good for you um Mr.Ben" He squeaked.

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