(Chapter Fifteen) ||Spent||

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"So where are we going?" I asked riding in the back seat in a stupid car seat, swinging my legs. "You'll see" he said not really giving me an answer. I just pout and slouch in my car seat.

"Sit up I can't see you lad " his brows stitch together.

"Good" I huffed.

"I'm not gonna say it again" we came to a red light. He took off his belt and cracked it. Immediately I sat up and fixed my face.

"Good boy" he said as he put his belt back on.

I looked out the window watching the birds go by as we began to move again.

"Are we there yet" I sigh loudly.

"Down the street now" he finally gave me a real answer but not the one I wanted.


He turned off the car putting it in park and got out. I watched as he jogged to the other side to open my door for me and unbuckle me to freedom before picking me up.

He slid me on his back giving me a piggyback ride. As he held my thighs I flung my legs around.

We enter the store and it was a pretty decent size. There were so many baby stuff but adult size. That's when I realize what was going on.

"M-Mr. Ben" I patted his head and he looked up at me with his crystal blue eyes..

"Yeah bubbs?" My face heated towards the pet name and I think he notice because he let out a sly chuckle.

"Is...this for..uh, for me?" I asked nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Well yeah because it sure isn't for me"he raise his brow, I giggled at his comment.

"Hey Benjamin welcome back" said the store employee.

"Hey Samantha" he greeted.

"Who's this little fella" she looked above Mr. Ben's head and spotted my eyes. The rest of my face purposely hidden away in Mr. Ben's hair.

"Go ahead little guy, don't be shy" Mr. Ben encouraged me.

"...T-The names Frederick" I whispered.

"Aw nice to meet you little Frederick, my names Samantha" she cooed.

"Nice t-to meet you too Samantha" I gave a small wave.

"Let me know if you need anything alright" she let us know.

"Sure thing lass" he walked off with me.

He grabbed a basket carrier and walked down the aisle. He grabbed some pampers and a couple of pacifiers and chew toys then some baby clothes and collares with leashes. He let me pick out a few stuffies.

Samantha rang them up and waved as we walked out the door.


Closing the trunk Mr. Ben jogged around to his seat. He started the car and pulled off.

We stopped by McDonald's then headed home.


Mr.Ben carried all the bag as we both walking through the doorway. He closes and locks the door behind him.

He takes the bags to my room, he put everything where it goes, but when I seen the diaper I froze.

"Mr.Ben..." I looked at him and he look at me and said.


"Can we ditch the diapers, I'm big boy now" I played with my shirt.

"Sure lad" he smile and puts them in a closet.

As he walked pass me he ruffled my hair, going down stairs, I followed him.

I sat at the table eating my kids meal as paw patrol came on I bounced in my seat making Mr.Ben chuckle when he turned around and saw me.

"Make sure you eat your apple slices" I groaned, annoyed at his comment.

"Whatever boomer" I whispered.

"What was that?" He looked over his shoulder from the couch.

"Nothing" I rolled my eyes.

"Though so" he growled making me shudder.

I finish my food beside the apple slices. And you know what I'm gonna do with it?

I'm throwing it away.

And I did. I went upstairs with my McDonald's toy and my new stuffies and played.


Later Mr.Ben let himself into my room, at that time I wasn't aware of his presence.

"You finished your apple sli-" we both caught each other's eyes.
He looked me up and down, catching me wearing my lazy day clothes.

 He looked me up and down, catching me wearing my lazy day clothes

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The look on his face was priceless, if this situation was funny. It was the complete opposite of funny, I was actually shocked and somewhat scared.

He backed out of my room and closed the door immediately.

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