Chapter Five ||Damn Mutt||

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I woke up again, I checked my phone.
"Midnight? Eh whatever"
I got up, opened my two doors and dashed to the kitchen, wanting a milk bottle.
I finished eating and started picking up the mess of toys and other baby stuff.
"Aye ya brat how messy can you get...if this is your mess that is.."

I turned to hear a familiar sound of a fridge door opening.
'Damn I didn't hear the fella come down'
"Hey whatcha doing up this late little guy?"


I flinched hard when he asked me what I'm doing up this late.
"Uhh just a little hungry" It wasn't necessarily a lie.
"But what are YOU doing up this late?" I asked him.
"Nothing just couldn't sleep"
He yawned stretching his manly arms behind is back.
"Oh whatever then" I left it at that.
I grabbed my bottle-
"What do you need that for?"
'So nosey!'
"Mind your bees man!"
He put his palm on my shoulder.
"And what are you going to do? All I'm asking is what on earth do you need a bottle for?" His British accent is getting me nowhere.
" well" I can tell he's trying to read my eyes.
"Well? Spit it out won't ya?"
I was getting irritated.
"actually like I said in the first place mind your dam business!"
I slapped his hand off of my shoulder and started to walk away.
"The FUCK you think your talking to!" He grabbed me by the throat it didn't hurt, and slam me against the fridge, it didn't hurt nor was it soft.
He held me by my throat staring in my eyes pissed as all outdoors.
"You will tell me why you have a bottle or you will clean the whole house with no sleep till your done"
I was starting to get real scared, I was tearing up and he seemed to notice.
"Why are you acting like a fucking baby or a fucking dog!"
'Because I think I am one'
"Because it's um..uh"
I scratched his arm hard, he grunted. I ran as fast as I can to my room without looking back, I locked my door behind me and ran to my house bed hiding under the cover's. There was nothing but silence, it scared me to have silence, I don't know what he's thinking as I thought he would try to get in my room.
I cried myself to sleep.

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