Chapter three ||Babysitter||

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He stopped in the middle of the hallway and called Oswald and Demo.



"Yeah! Hello!?" Said Demo.

"Uh yeah hey mate I hope this isn't the wrong time but I can't find the little one anywhere! Where would he be I don't wanna end up running into him And scaring him"

"Uh oh don't worry your fine I can relate anyways by now he would be sleeping in as always. Anyways his room is at the end of the hallway to the right if your upstairs that is"

"Oi I am I see it thanks Demo!"

"Hey is that the babysitter?" Oswald called out in the background.

"Yeah Oswald it is! Just giving him suggestion on where Frederick should be at this time"

"Tell him to wake up Frederick he can't be sleeping this late or he'll be up all night crying about the dark and how alone he is" Oswald complain in the background.

"Wait is this fella a baby or a puppy because you hired me after telling me puppy stuff"

"Oh you'll see but first if you don't mind me asking are you looking for a little?" Oswald tested to see if the guy know what that is.

"A-A wha-" he started then heard a hard bump and Oswald grunting.

"N-Never mind!" Oswald stated quickly.

"Ok...I will go now" he hung up before anything else happened.

He walked down the hall opening the door on the right.

He peeked in and their nowhere to be seen. He made whistles still believing they were talking about a puppy.

He walk to the wooden bunk house in the little ones room.
He peek through the window easily by his height.

His eyes widen.

'A kid?!'

He stepped back accidentally stepping on a chew-toy.


The doors quickly opened.
There he was.


His dark brownish most likely black hair.

His big brown glowing eyes.

His beautiful Freckles that's spread all over his the bridge of his nose to both of his cheeks.

His very light grayish brownish caramel skin reflected off the sun.

"Who are you what do you want from me!!!???" He yelled falling backwards.

"Aye! Calm down I am the babysitter" he stated.

"No they did not just- FUCK!!" He cursed out.

"Hey hey! Language! I didn't know they wanted me to babysit a teenager!"

Frederick scoffs. He climbed down and head towards the kitchen wanting a yogurt that he quickly ate.

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