(Chapter Fourteen) ||Breakfast||

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Fredrick lifted the plastic spoon in his mouth. "Mmmm!" He wiggled in his seat in excitement.

Mr. Ben Smirked followed by a quick chuckle, his back was towards Fredrick as he finished up his flapjacks.


He sat at the table, sitting in a seat near Fredrick. He drizzled some syrup on his flapjacks before cutting it with and butter knife and then stabbing it with a fork, he then lifted it into his mouth, and he hummed in the delight of the fluffy goodness that he was proud of.

As he took another bite he look towards Fredrick who was picking out the broccoli and the bits of salad.

"Wait what are you doing?" Asked Mr.Ben Strictly. "I'm uh, allergic to the green stuff?" He lied. Mr.Ben stared dead into Fredrick's eyes and said "Eat it or do you want me to remind you what happens when you misbehave" quickly Fredrick downed the whole bowl almost choking. Trying not to gag he ate his veggies as well.

"Goodboy" Mr.Ben Praise the little pup boy.
Fredrick's blood rushed to his face at the little praise he got.

He suckles his angel milk. "All right bud go get dressed we have somewhere to go," Mr.Ben said

"Where are we going?" Asked Fredrick. "You'll see," Mr.Ben said back.

After Fredrick was finished with his Angel milk he rushed to his room and dug in his closet for an outfit for today.

After Fredrick was finished with his Angel milk he rushed to his room and dug in his closet for an outfit for today

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Fredrick came back downstairs. Mr.Ben eyes widen. He hold back the urge to grab him and drown him in kisses right then and their.

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