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It was said that no Arcobaleno feared death... Except the Cloud Arcobaleno Skull DeMorte.

Now, Tsuna once questioned them on a visit to Vongola mansion. He already knew Uni wasn't afraid anymore as she'd died once and would do it again for her family. The others answered they died once too and/or it's the expected risk/norm for their line of work.
But Skull's answer came unexpected for all of them.
"Why should I be afraid of death? I died so often it doesn't scare me, rather..." he didn't finish that sentence.

Now when you live in the mafia secrets are exposed rather sooner than later. And for once their Cloud was the target of how exactly that worked - he gained their interest. However he didn't spill and Tsuna's HI told him he wouldn't budge.

Until a letter arrived for Skull, making him curse in quite a few languages and leave in hurry.

Of course, being the busybodies they are they snatched the discarded letter and begin to read it- or at least they tried to. It was in an unknown, maybe dead language. Now, the Arcobaleno are elites, and for none of them to decifer it? Yeah.., no. That was a stain on their pride and reputation.

The only thing that served as a clue was a weird emblem. A family or organisation crest.

 A family or organisation crest

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They continued their stalk- observations: Eventually Viper was payed by Reborn and Lal to try and invade Skull's mind while he slept on the couch after a 'fight' with Reborn.
She barely got a glimpse of 3 people and an echoing name, 'Sophie', before a weird energy appeared and forced her out.
Needless to say, Viper suddenly being thrown to the other side of the room during the late afternoon, while Skull emitted a murderous aura at the same time, was unbelievable and questionable.

Skull stayed away from the mansion and their work areas after that.

Viper investigated her findings finding a girl matching the looks she could get a glance of.
Sophie Casterwill, civilian, alive 200 years ago, dead at age 70 due to a car accident.
She wasn't involved with mafia or had a job due to her inheritance (apparently).
The Casterwills ran a company named 'Huntik' 140 years ago, an antique and excavation company with exclusive members. The company disappeared 80 years ago without a trace or record to speak of.

Viper told the other Arcobaleno (in exchange for money).
How did Skull remember a girl from 200 years ago? Plus the other 2 people Viper saw... the man was Dante and worked as a detective at the company, deceased at 98 and the other girl was unaffiliated but had apparently undergone military training; it was unknown how they died or when for the girl.

But that didn't explain how Skull received mail from a dead family in an unknown language and knew people from a few centuries ago!!


Skull was meanwhile in a certain house in Italy (Dante's) and took out a few necklaces, rings and amulets.
He called them: Kalaban, Sabriel, Gareon and Cherit.
They didn't recognise him at first until he summoned a blade they all recognised.
He conversed with them for hours, mostly himself and Cherit really, before he asked them to greet the others from him.

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