Under the Weather('s)

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Have fun with this. I think I outdid myself with this one!!

Skull gets sick. The others are left to take care of him.
Shouldn't be too hard, right? Nope.

"So... what exactly are we supposed to do now, kora?" Colonello inquired.

At first glance it's a question one can encounter anywhere:
at school, at work, on a mission,
at the supermarket or when trying to built something with a thick manual you don't understand
- an everyday question, really.
Except, this time, it was asked by an Ex-COMSUBIN and this-times Rain Arcobaleno.

There's nothing an Arcobaleno couldn't do from those listed above right? Usually yes.
However, like how there is always a 'but' to a vague answer, this wasn't about any of those.

It would concern All of the Arcobaleno and might just be their hardest task yet.
Yes, even compared to having to deal with the Vindice and training 2 clumsy teens into strong, capable and respected Mafia Don's, this would put their patience, experience and compassion to the test.

"...I don't know? I honestly don't know." answered Lal Mirch, his teacher (and secret lover).
They were both staring at what could be assumed a dead Cloud Arcobaleno in the garage, on the floor, and surrounded by motor oil and spare parts. Oh, who was also lying in a puddle of blood. Presumably his own.

To answer the question of how they ended up in this situation let's turn back time a little bit...


Lal and Colonello were both heading towards the Arcobaleno mansion on their motorbikes, one a marine blue, the other a darker blue with purple army-like markings. They were planning on staying the night and then continue to the CEDEF HQ to give a report about rogue mafioso they'd encountered near Sicily.

Nearing the gate to the underground garage they slowed down and registered their handprints and flame signature at a hidden scanner.
Shortly after, a beep resounded from their surroundings and a camouflaged wall rattled away to reveal a paved tunnel leading underground. Going through it, with the gate closing behind them, they went towards the parking spots they knew were closest to the door connecting to the mansions inner hallway.
Just when Colonello drove to the left parking spot next to the door he saw something dark was already there.

"Hey, Kora!" He warned, surprised, but the darn thing -whatever it was- didn't move.
Just before he would collide with it his motorbike abruptly stopped, throwing him successfully off of it and making him collide with the dark mass on the floor with a muffled "Umpf!"

Lal had used her Rain flames to slow his motorbike into an immediate stop, her Idiot of a student (/lover?) not even having thought of using his own, more potent, flames, using the breaks or turning the wheel around.

She could only let out a resigned sigh while Colonello was groaning on the floor, his bike collapsing to the side and lying there innocently
as if it hadn't violently thrown off it's driver and he had instead abandoned it like that
- like a soap opera of a discarded widow.

[A/N: Getting a bit too real there aren't I?]

Meanwhile, Colonello turned to look into what, or rather whom as it was warmer and softer than the ground he had so painfully crashed into...
It definitely looked humanoid... and wore a dark-black helmet with a one-piece suit.
The light clicked on, curtesy of Lal hitting the switch, and the dark mass turned out to be Skull.... still lying motionlessly and silently on the ground.

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