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Skull woke up in his trailer at the circus.

Again, he came back again.

He glanced at his alarm, the bright white letters glaring back at him, showing 1.27pm....

Today he'd get an 'unexpected' visit from Kawahira and an invitation to a meeting for the next generation of Arcobaleno, the strongest 7 which he can't escape from. He's tried to before and failed everytime, unless dying.

'Gotta hand it to the bastard;
being this tenacious to keep the world working - he should almost get a prize for it.'

Skull got dressed and thought about how he'll greet the Mist this time. He definitely didn't want to be looked down upon so early in this turn. The how-many-eth was it anyway? 279th? 508th??
He would definitely be older than Checkerface if he added all the years from his previous turns.

Oooh~ all the secrets he knew of the others... Speaking of which,
he needed to make plans on what he should change this time.
Maybe if everything is peaceful early on he'd be happy and,
if it does work, if he did die this time, he'd be able to die for real?

Let's see... what should he change?
Skull took a piece of paper and wrote down some notes.


To change my life for the end:
-get Xanxus off the streets,
-prevent Tsuna's flame sealing,
-save Enma's family and explain about Daemon's deceit,
-visit Talbot for the pacifiers,
-meet Byakuran and introduce him to Kikyo, then Tsuna & Uni?,
->let Tsuna & Enma meet!

-maybe scare the Vindice~


...That should be the top concerns he has to deal with.

-YEP! He grinned and pocketed it in a compartment attached to the inner side of his helmet.

He had that just in case he forgot his wallet or some to-do lists.
He had been quite forgettable in his first turn so he had that made. Though his trait of not having a good memory got corrected through numerous regressions and being in the Mafia, especially around Reborn.

Speaking of which, how should he deal with the others? Especially Luce, Reborn and the stalking student? Should he inform Lal?
Or maybe get Colonello on his side by telling him what's going on?
He would do it to save Lal, considering he took the curse for her in every regression.

'Hmmm~, choices and questions, so many questions.'

What he did know was that he definitely didn't want to get cursed and trapped in a chibi-version of himself again. It made him freak and lash out every which way he could due to his irked flames.
He rather liked being rational and calm and not having to deal with the others reprimanding/ antagonising him for his annoying behaviour because of it.

But first things first, he should get today's stunt job over so he has more time to focus on/ deal with his private matters.




By the time he was done,
which was earlier than usual,
he sat in his trailer with a bit of tea and some Udon for dinner.
2 Udons to be precise - one of which he's currently eating.
The other is placed opposite of him - kept warm & untouched.
He knew that wouldn't be for long though. Ah. Speak of the damned Administrator and he shall appear, Skull sensed his Mist flames. Though the man didn't reveal himself yet.
Probably thinking he'd frighten the civilian and give him a heart attack.

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