WE ARE Family!

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Showing the Arcobaleno as a dysfunctional Family that still cares about each other when others aren't looking or in the know about it.

A Video Band was rolling before showing one Skull DeMorte;
"So I know this is supposed to be my video diary and about me but I want to include this. Ah, I'm Skull DeMorte, immortal Stuntman and Last Cloud Arcobaleno. Someone who, from an ordinary Civilian, got involved with the Mafia overnight and was once cursed into an infant at age 17 for more than 30 years.

This, is to remind myself and my family, the Arcobaleno, that we were/ are the strongest and best family of extravagant people I could've ever asked for.... And how fun it was with them despite being dumped with them as the only 'abnormal' among 'Gods' and other 'abnormal'. I'd consider us pretty normal from that standpoint, but maybe they just rubbed off on me, especially that sadistic Hotman and puppy sniper, heh."

A few minutes of silence.

"Anyway, to those who are watching this - and if any of you guys stole it I'll beat you up and curse you; I'm an inverted Cloud that latches onto people like a parasite so don't test me - I hope you'll find my family in yours."

It then changed to another scenery
A warzone— no wait, it's just a demolished baseball pit.

- playing Baseball together
- at a concert where Colonello caught Skull doing this with his sniper:

-jumping off a plane (Skull is afraid of heights, clung to Reborn, then Colonello and lastly Lal who let him - a certain idiot had done the same before so why not)
-Stranger hit on Lal and Colonello goes batshitc crazy, Fon reigned him in after the guy had 3 broken bones, a blood nose and 2 teeth knocked out
-going shopping with Reborn and acting like Undercover Drag Queens together, making sure to pose at every camera and make the cafes go bankrupt.
-Skull stopping Verde from eating Cereal with Coffee instead of milk
-Uni dressing up Lal, Reborn & Viper with bow ties and frills when she was younger and they were babies
-Lal kissing Colonello after he flirted the classic: "Did it Hurt?"
"When I fell from Heaven?"
"No, when you clawed your way out of Hell cause your super hot."
Then had a handclap with Reborn and Skull for helping him practise and showing him the meme/ vine.

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