Choose your own...

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Hello! Welcome to our story! I've been wanting to do an interactive story for a while and I thought this would be the perfect time to try it out.

This story will be an experience for those who are around to make decisions about where the story goes. It's more democratic than a typical choose your own adventure book. Also, I don't make money from this, so mapping out every single thing sounds hard and nearly impossible for me during college.

How this will work: Before making big decisions or writing a new chapter, I will ask the readers which they prefer out of a set of 2+ options. Readers will vote and the first option to get to 10 votes (I will tell otherwise) first will win. People can only vote once per account, but if they happen to have friends who can vote for what they want, I can't stop them 😉.

Sadly, there are people who only like to read complete stories. But this is more like a television show that you watch live. Like waiting for each new episode of Attack on Titan. It's just that this time, you get to help decide what happens. Fun, right? I like to think it is. People who only read complete stories will miss out on the experience, but they'll be able to see the finished product.

So without further ado, welcome to this experience by the name, Be mine, Valentine.

Be mine, Valentine | Jikook | CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE ✓Where stories live. Discover now