💘Chapter 2🍫

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-One week prior-

"Valentine's Day dinner?" I ask the redhead, puzzled. "Why the hell did they invite you? Whose idea was that?"

Hoseok paces in circles around my office in the dance studio, pulling at the vibrant locks. "Things have been so stressful lately, Min. Like, I find myself getting more and more involved with them. And it's not even by choice. I just can't say no!"

I lean back in my office chair, groaning as my neck pops. "Has Tae asked you to teach him to dance as well? He came up to me a few weeks ago and we've been working whenever we can."

My roommate exhales. "Jimin, teaching Tae to dance is one of the hardest things I've ever done. The self control I have to practice when he's—gah!"

"How about things with Yoongi?"

"Not much better. He wants to be business partners and start up a record label with me."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No—I mean yes. I don't know. It's hard. It reminds me of our days back in college when we'd talk about our dreams and I'd watch him play piano. When he said that he saw me as part of his dream, I thought I'd be a different kind of partner. I feel like a simp. It's embarrassing. And I'm tired of having to keep up the happy Hobi act when all I want to do is cry. The two people I love are happiest without me."

I stand up. "Hobi..."

"Don't Hobi me," he says brokenly. "I'm sick of being the third wheel. I'm sick of being forgotten. My birthday is a few days after Valentine's and all I want is to not feel so lonely."

My arms wrap around Hoseok and I bury my face in him. He cries, gripping my shirt.

"Min, I don't want to go to dinner and see them being all perfect. I don't know how I'll be able to handle it. They specifically asked me because they knew I'd be alone. All they do is rub it in."

"Hey." I pet him. "You asked me to come, so I'll be your date. I'll have your back and I'll come up with a means of escape should you need one, okay?"

Hoseok nods. "Thanks, Min. I don't know what I'd do without it."

"Don't mention it." I kiss his cheek. "I'll always be there for you."



My lips form a pout as I watch my best friend drown his woes in alcohol. He usually doesn't resort to such methods, but I can tell that today is a lot for him. His brown eyes have a storm brewing in them, the redhead teetering on a tightrope just from being in the same vicinity as the couple. At any moment, he could fall and lose control.

"Hobi, are you okay?"

He rolls his head to me, an ingenious smile on his countenance. "Just peachy. I'm your hope, Happy Hobi. Never have a gray cloud hanging over my head because I'm the sun. Happy, happy, Hobi," he says, laughing despite being clearly upset and drunk.

Taehyung and Yoongi study Hoseok and me, their eyes housing great concern.

"Hobi, maybe you should start drinking some water and eat a bit. We still have work tomorrow. I'd hate for you to have to show up hungover," Yoongi expresses gently, reaching past his boyfriend to squeeze Hoseok's shoulder.

Tae squeezes Hoseok's thigh and my roommate looks like he's about to break down, both men touching him at once too much for his poor, aching heart. This is hell for him. He's around the people he wants to be with and is being constantly reminded of their exclusivity and his growing loneliness.

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