💘Chapter 5🍫

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"Who the fuck put a box of condoms in the canned goods section?" I wonder aloud. "Fucking assholes can't put shit back where they got it. People suck."

I throw the box in the shopping cart and continue to restock and rearrange the shelves of the grocery store. Working at a grocery store and as a server has really taught me that people are lazy pieces of shit. These jobs really kill your optimism.

Someone looks between the store brand and name brand green beans before opting for the name brand and I roll my eyes, knowing for certain that they're the same damn thing. People really put too much weight on a brand name.

Exhaling, I continue to my task until I'm finished and move to work register. Stocking and organizing the shelves suck, but at least I don't have to directly deal with people. Register is the worst thing I do. Karens exist and they aren't what I like to deal with when I am paid minimum wage.

When I relieve the person of their shift, they look like a zombie. I groan, wondering why the heck I have to remain standing when a tall stool would not limit my ability to work at all. In fact, I'd be able to work longer.

Some time passes and I'm close to nodding off when a big bag of rice is placed on the conveyor belt.

"Hmm?" I look back, legs nearly giving out.

Am I dreaming again?

Park Jimin smirks at me, permed hair slightly messy under his black beanie. He isn't nearly as done up as he was at the restaurant, but in a way, that makes him that much more terrifying. Even in lazy clothes, he looks like he's ready for a photoshoot and as someone who loves photography, he seems like the perfect model.

"Hello, Jungkookie. I didn't know you worked here." He smiles, hands swallowed up by the material of his yellow sweater. Yellow is my favorite color and he makes it all the more perfect.

"Yeah, I've been working here for a while now. Two jobs. This is where I work the most, but I'm usually here at night, unloading trucks and such."

"Ah, a strong man." He continues to unload his cart before standing near the register, watching me with an unhidden interest. "Just my type."

I blush. "Is that so?" I start to scan his stuff while he reaches in the pocket of his dark gray joggers, the material accentuating his perfect form.

There is no way that I am not attracted to him.

Jimin watches me, dark eyes analyzing me. He looks so cozy and I start to wonder how he'd look wearing a shirt of mine instead, memories of my dream overwhelming me. I push the thoughts away, finding every small thing the blond does way too exciting.

"To be honest, I was disappointed that you didn't ask me out that night," Jimin hums.

My eyes widen. "You were? I thought you had a thing going on with your roommate to an extent."

"Nothing like that. But I can tell this is your first time." He leans in and I gulp. "So I'll be the one to make the first move."

I bite my lip. "Okay."

He hands me his phone with a contact filled out as "Muscle Bun," waiting for me to fill in the phone number.

I do just that, bagging his groceries for him despite it not being my job. When I'm around him, I feel a need to just... do things to make his life easier, no matter how small. He deserves to never know struggle, but considering he is in one of the most undervalued professions, he probably knows struggle all too well.

Jimin claps, done sending me a text. "Do you work this weekend?"

"No." I watch him as we put the grocery bags in his cart.

"Okay. Then we'll take each other on a date."

"Each other?" I question. "You don't want me to do it?"

He shrugs. "I'd like us to be pretty equal in the planning and financial aspect of it, so I usually shoulder things as well. Especially on the first dates. We should be getting to know each other, not our wallets, correct?"

His words seem too good to be true and I nod. "I wholeheartedly agree. So no fancy restaurant I'm guessing?"

"How will we get to know each other in such a stuffy place?" He giggles. "No, we'll find something that we both like and that will have us learning about each other. How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect." I smile.

"Great, well, I must leave you before you get in trouble for socializing." He winks. "I'll text you later regarding the date."

The whole exchange has me a grinning mess and I nod excitedly, wishing he didn't have to leave, but beyond comforted by the prospect of talking to him while not at work. "I can't wait."

Author's Note: I'm so scared that I won't get this story done in time. Aaa! Please vote "+1" on what you want. The highest ranked one when I work on the next chapter will win.

Should JK embarrass himself on the date?



What do you think of the story? Anyone excited for their date?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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