Choose your own PLOT (CLOSED)

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Hello, everyone! We can't start this book without a plot, so I decided to write four vague blurbs that you all can choose from. The first one to get to ten votes will be the storyline.

How to vote: Leave an inline comment as "+1" and maybe say why you like it. You cannot vote more than once. You can only choose ONE. But you can ask friends/followers to come vote if you want. Each plot starts with its own unique colored heart.



❤️ Park Jimin has never felt his soulmate before. Every February, he has searched for his special person. But this time, he finally found the man he was destined to be with, Jeon Jungkook.


🧡 Jeon Jungkook has always hated Valentine's Day. He never celebrated. To him, it was a waste of time and a big capitalist ploy making money off naïve individuals. Instead of spending money on Valentine's Day, he made money serving at a fancy steakhouse on the holiday. He had never wanted to pamper someone on the otherwise normal day. That was...

until he served Park Jimin.


💛 Park Jimin wasn't looking forward to another Valentine's Day while in Big Hit. He always seemed to get the least amount of chocolates while the other members easily racked up candies like how the group racked up awards. Jimin didn't want to deal with another day of embarrassment. But this year was a surprise to the blond. This year, he received a note from a secret admirer.


💚 The Parks have been married for a while now and Jungkook is scared that the romance is no longer alive between him and his husband. He fears that all the years and children diminished the innocent excitement that the couple used to harbor. They no longer celebrated Valentine's Day for goodness sake! So Jungkook decided he wanted to do something about it and bring back the fire to his relationship. To do this, he simply needed to seek out the advice of romance guru, Kim Seokjin. It couldn't be that hard to be romantic, could it?

Be mine, Valentine | Jikook | CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE ✓Where stories live. Discover now