💘Chapter 2.5🍫

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I groan, massaging my temples with one hand as I pop a few Advil with the other, washing them down with lukewarm coffee. This morning, Jimin did my makeup to cover up the terrible decisions of last night. Why I ended up fucking my Uber driver, I'm not entirely sure. But he was pretty rough. Jimin used up almost all my makeup covering up the aftermath.

The door to the teachers' lounge opens and a flash of blue runs up to me. Taehyung looks at me with gentle eyes.

"You didn't come back to dinner."

"That is correct. I did not." I nod and start to brew another pot of coffee.

He frowns. "Is Mickey okay?"

"He's fine, Tae."

"Can we do lessons today?" He asks. "Yoongi bought me some sweatbands and I've been practicing really hard on my own and I think that I've improved a lot. I really want to show you."

I look down at the coffee pot. "I can't do today, Tae. I don't feel well."

"Is it a hangover? I told you to lay off." He scolds.

"No. It's not a hangover. It's my body. I just need to sleep as soon as I get off."

Taehyung frowns. "Oh, okay. Feel better soon, Hoeseok. I hate when you're unhappy. Your smile is my favorite thing."

His words warm and crack my heart at the same time and I smile bittersweetly. "Sometimes it's hard for me to smile, Tae. And that's okay. I do appreciate it though."

"What's making you upset? Maybe I can try and fix it?" He asks, grabbing both my hands in his. Our fingers intertwine and I feel my eyes sting.

"I-I need to go," I choke out, quickly making myself coffee and running to my office.

When I get to the dance studio, I close the door and wince, limping the rest of the way to my office. I haven't been this sore after sex since my first time. If only makeup could cover a limp.

"Ugh, you need to get you life together, Hobi." I gently smack my palm to my forehead. "You need to do something else with your life. Doing the same things will keep you in this circle of sadness."

Exhaling, I hook my laptop up to my hotspot so the school won't know what I'm doing, and start job hunting. Working here has been... tough lately and I just want to go somewhere else. Somewhere far away. There's nothing for me here, so I need to try and better myself.

My eyes widen and my eyebrows raise in interest at a job listing. I'd have to move, but this seems like just what I need. There's no reason to stay. I need to stop living in the past and just move forward.

Without thinking too much into it, I impulsively send my application. There's a good chance I won't get in anyway. But if I do, I think I can leave this place behind and work on myself. Maybe I won't be mopey mess all the time. That would be nice.

Checking the time, I sigh and decide to nap the remainder of the workday.


"Hobi? Hobi, wake up."

"Mm, not yet." I swat at the source of the voice.

"Jung Hoseok, wake up."

I shook up, blushing when I nearly bonk heads with Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi, what are you doing here?"

He sits down on my desk, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his white dress shirt. "I came to check up on you. You didn't return to dinner last night and Taehyung said that you aren't feeling well and that you ran away from him. Care to explain?"

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