💘Chapter 5.5🍫

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"Yoongi, I said to gently tilt your head to the left, not make it look like you broke your neck." I fuss at the blond, adjusting his head myself.

He groans. "Stop making me model then. I don't understand this."

I gasp loudly. "Yoogi, you are my muse! My love! You're so pretty. It would be a crime to not photograph you."

The blond chuckles as I pepper his neck in kisses, his hands naturally gripping my hips. Before he gets too excited, I plant one last kiss on his lips before backing up and taking more pictures of him.

"How much longer are you going to do this?" Yoongi asks. "You have my shirt all the way unbuttoned. I feel like I look like a tool."

"Angle your guitar more naturally." I order, moving around to get shots of him at more angles. "And I am the Yoongi connoisseur. I think I know when you look good."

"Just hurry up. I'm tired."

"I'll take pictures of you sleeping then." I smirk.

Yoongi stands up. "Photoshoot done or else the model will get cranky."

I laugh. "The model is always a little catty."

"Kim Taehyung—"

"Min Yoongi~" I sing, setting the camera down before wrapping my arms around him tightly. I kiss the top of his head and he hums. "Please don't sleep until I come join you." I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he sighs.

Yoongi slaps my ass. "Hurry up then."

I giggle and quickly get to work cleaning as Yoongi makes his way to our bedroom. He has been down in the dumps lately and I can't blame him. Hoseok has been so distant from us lately and I keep going over everything we've done in my head, but I can't seem to find what we could have done that was malicious.

When I get to the bedroom, Yoongi is wearing flannel pajamas, the black sleep mask with cat ears and whiskers pushed up on his forehead like how he wears his headbands. I frown. Hoseok got him that as a gift. Yoongi acted like he hated it at first, but he uses it every night and takes good care of it.

"What's up with the furrowed brow, Tae?" Yoongi asks as I begin to strip out of my clothes and get into my own pajamas.

"Hobi." I pout. "I don't want him to go to America, but I don't want him to be so distant while here. If he stays in Korea, I want him to be emotionally present."

Yoongi nods, playing with my hair when I cuddle up beside him. "Him not being around feels wrong. Our relationship feels kinda... off without him. He's always been around."

I nod. "Now that I think about it, he always is around. He in a way was the person who brought us together as well. He worked at the school before you and honestly..." I blush. "I crushed on him pretty hard. But I didn't think he'd like me, so I hid it pretty well. And when he introduced us, I assumed that meant that he wasn't interested in me."

My boyfriend sits up, eyes wide. "You used to like Hobi?"

"I-I mean, I still do. It's kind of hard not to. But I would never cheat. I've never thought about it."

Yoongi's face turns bright red. "I like Hobi too and I thought the same thing when he introduced us."

We stare at each other, completely and utterly dumbfounded.

What the heck does this mean?

Author's Note: I'm trying so hard to finish this book on time, so I'm not napping today. Please vote "+1" on what you want. The highest ranked one when I work on the next chapter will win.

(The very next chapter doesn't involve VSope, so feel free to vote even if you show up after chapter 6 has already dropped)

Whose POV should everything be figured out in?




What do you think of the story? If Valentine's Day wasn't so close, I would have loved to include a Namjin chapter or two as a .5/bonus. I cry.

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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