💘Chapter 6.5🍫

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"What if he doesn't like us?" Taehyung hugs himself. "Is it weird, asking someone to be your third?"

I continue cooking our meal, nervous myself. "I'm just hoping he doesn't think that we're propositioning him. We want him, not just some addition for kinky sex."

"But he likes someone else!" Taehyung buries his face in my back as I season the stir fry, hugging me. "I don't want him to say no and go to America."

Exhaling, I turn around and look into the bluenet's eyes. "He's allowed to say no, Tae."

He pouts. "I know that. That doesn't make me fear rejection any less. What if he's disgusted by us?"

"That won't happen."

"How do you know?"

"I know Hobi."

"Do you know him anymore?" He whispers.

His words make me pause. "He's still Jung Hoseok at the end of the day, even if he doesn't tell me everything. No matter how happy, how sad, how distant, how close, he's still Hobi."

The doorbell rings and Taehyung quickly scampers off and I dish up all three plates and set the table before going to greet our guest.

Hoseok is looking around nervously while biting his lip when I arrive. "Thank you for inviting me. Is there any reason you invited me so last minute?"

"Yeah, so you wouldn't have much time to overthink things." I smirk at the redhead and he scoffs, but the glowing grin gracing his features gives away his true feelings.

Taehyung takes Hoseok's jacket and hangs it up and I approach my friend, offering him a smile.

He blushes, looking away.

My eyebrows furrow, and I pause, calculating Hoseok's behavior and what it could mean. But he doesn't give me much time to think and Taehyung quickly pulls us into the dining room and takes a seat.

Hoseok and I make eye contact while we sit down ourselves and his hand reaches for his red wine right away, not interested in small talk.

Throughout the meal, Hoseok and I are curt with our answers, Taehyung carrying the conversation and keeping the atmosphere from growing too suffocating. Hoseok and I keep entering miniature staring contests. The redhead knows what I'm doing and he chugs down glass after glass of wine because of it.

"We don't want you to go to America, Hobi. Yoongi and I want you to stay with us and join our relationship," Taehyung blurts out.

Our eyes widen and Hoseok drops his wine glass, the material shattering when it meets the cork flooring.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." He grabs his napkins and starts to clean up the mess, cutting his hand, blood mixing with wine.

"Fuck, Hobi, stop it." I run to him and pull him away from the mess. "It's okay. Taehyung can clean it up," I say, my tone gentle. "Let me fix you up."

He nods breathlessly, tears streaming down his face as I lead him to the couch. Taehyung quickly sets on cleaning everything up. He looks worried about Hoseok.

I press my lips to Hoseok's forehead. "I'm going to get the first aid kit."

The redhead watches me, tipsy and overwhelmed as I head to the bathroom. I stop by and lean down by Taehyung, kissing his cheek before whispering in his ear. "It's okay, Tae. It was an accident. Don't blame yourself."

Taehyung exhales shakily and forces a smile. "Why are we so bad at this?"

I chuckle. "Hell if I know." I ruffle his hair one last time before grabbing the first aid kit and returning to my best friend. He watches me silently as I diligently work at removing the glass shards, cleaning, and dressing the wound.

"Good thing you don't dance on your hands."

He finally laughs. "I don't think I'll ever understand your sense of humor."

"What is there to understand? It's great." I sit down beside him and lean my head on his shoulder.

Taehyung joins us, leaning on Hoseok's other shoulder.

The redhead narrows his eyes, nose scrunched in confusion. He looks between us.

"Wh-What's going on?" Hoseok asks. "I feel like I'm imagining things. Did Taehyung—"

"He did." I make direct eye contact with Hoseok. "We want you to be ours and we want to be yours. Our relationship started with you. You've always been the glue holding us together." I card my fingers through his hair. "You're the great equalizer and can match both of our energies. And we don't want you to leave us. All this time, instead of always asking you to tag along on our dates, we should have been formally asking you to be part of them."

Hoseok stutters, unable to form coherent sentences. He just looks between Taehyung and me until I cup his face in my hands.

"Yoongi, he already likes someone. He might not—"

"He likes us, Tae," I respond, looking into Hoseok's eyes. "That's why he left Valentine's early. It's why we're the ones he's been avoiding." My thumb brushes over Hoseok's bottom lip and he shivers, looking like he'll faint at any moment. "Hoseok has liked us the whole time. We were just too dense to pick up on it."

"Y-Yoongi," Hoseok croaks. "T-Tae."

I smile. "Do you want to be officially part of our relationship, Jung Hoseok?"

Taehyung bites his lip and stands beside me so Hoseok can look at both of us at once.

He cries. "Yes, yes. I want that so much. I'm so sick of being alone when I'm with you."

"That's good," Taehyung says with a smile.

"Because you'll never be alone again," I finish, pressing my lips to his.

Author's Note: VSooooooooooooooooooooope. That is all.

What do you think of the story? Anyone a new VSope/Taegiseok fan?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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