💘Chapter 7🍫

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I bury my face in Rapmon, nuzzling into his white fur. "My life is a mess. When I'm alone, I'm upset. And when I have someone, I'm too paranoid to be happy. It's not fair."

Jin ruffles my hair from his spot beside me on the loveseat. "It's okay to have messy emotions, Jungkook. It means you're human. Trust me, I understand how it feels to not know how to act and to distrust happiness."

Pouting, I look up at him. "It feels like things are going so fast."

"Are they?" Namjoon asks.

"Well... we haven't met in person since our date, but we do text and call. But even despite our distance, I feel... I feel more and more drawn to him. It's terrifying. I'm not in love with him, but I find myself thinking of him all the time. When I see something, I'll find myself thinking, 'Jiminie would like this. I should show him.' I just want to spoil him. But that's the opposite of what I want. That's what caused the mess last time."

Namjoon crosses a leg over the other from his seat in his recliner. "What caused the mess last time was your ex. She was a bad person. The way you behaved wasn't wrong. She was a manipulator and user. From what you've told us about Jimin, he doesn't seem to be that sort of person at all. Do things feel different from with your ex, before it got bad?"

I think about our date and how my favorite part was sitting with him on the playground and our kiss goodbye. Even the memory alone is enough to make my heart pound and my whole body to heat up. It wasn't like that with her. She never seemed that interested in me. Jimin could listen to my whole day like it was the most gripping story he's ever heard. No matter how tired he is, he always gives me his undivided attention. Park Jimin is in a league of his own.

But what if he's too good to be true?

What if he's trying to play nice and once we get to the point where we're boyfriends and moved in together, he switches? What if he gets bored of me and cheats? I can't deal with that type of heartbreak again and with him, I feel like it would be so much worse.

My feelings for Jimin are dangerous.

"Our feelings for each other feel more pure and more potent than anything I've experienced." I blush. "It's overwhelming."

"Awwww, Jungkooooooook," Jin coos, cuddling me.

Rapmon jumps off the couch and sits by Joon's feet instead, eyes falling closed as Namjoon pets him.

"Well, I should get going. I have class tomorrow morning and you two probably have plans."

"Only plans we have are playing MapleStory." Jin chuckles.

Namjoon laughs. "You don't have to leave. Jin would love to get you hooked on the game."

"Join the Maple-side." Jin wiggles his fingers.

I laugh. "I'm good. See you soon."

The couple nods and we bid our farewells before I head to my car and set off for my apartment. During the drive, my phone receives a call. Without checking the caller ID, I answer it, surprised to see Jimin on video call, the pop-socket holder keeping my phone elevated and hands-free.

The blond's eyes are discreetly bloodshot and his makeup seems way too nice for it to have been worn all day. He must've cried and he's pretending everything is fine.

"Jimin, are you okay?" I ask, focusing on the road.

"Yeah. I just wanted to see your face," he says quietly. "Are you in the car? I can hang up. I don't want to distract you..."

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