💘Chapter 10🍫

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"Aaaaaaah, Kookie, you look so cute in your graduation gown!" I run up to him as he leaves the stage and jump into his arms.

The sound of Taehyung's camera clicking can be heard as Jungkook catches me and holds me. I giggle at the sight of the blond's bunny grin and lean down to capture his lips with mine.

"Jungkook, angle your head differently. You're a photographer, you know this," Tae fusses.

"Just let them celebrate. You're taking candids," Yoongi says, chuckling.

My boyfriend laughs and wraps an arm around me after setting me down. "Thank you all for coming."

"Thank you for inviting us. We can be a little rowdy at times." Hoseok smiles, scratching his head.

Jin squeezes Jungkook's cheeks and Namjoon stays back by Yoongi.

"My son is all grown up now! He has a boyfriend, has graduated, and already has a job. I couldn't be more proud. I raised you up so well." Jin squeezes Jungkook in a bone-crushing hug.

The graduate blushes. "Thank you. I do have a lot to be thankful for, don't I? I have the best friends and boyfriend." He pulls me into a hug. "And I'm moving in with Jiminie."

"You're moving in already?" Yoongi asks.

I blush. "You stole my roommate. Kookie and I want to live in the same place, so we're going apartment searching sometime next month."

Jungkook grins. "Yeah, we need it to be good for Gureum to live. And with thicker walls..."

"Niiiiice." Hoseok gives me a high-five. "Get that dick wet, Jimin."

Namjoon laughs. "You all are so loud about your sexual escapades."

"And loud doing them, apparently. One more noise complaint and I might get evicted." Jungkook covers his face, but he's smirking.

"If it isn't loud, it isn't right." Jin checks his nails.

Taehyung juts his hip out and places his hand on it sassily. "Ain't that right."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "We should sit down."


"Who is my favorite graduation present? You are; you are." Jungkook plays with the puppy in my apartment.

I record them with my phone. "I thought the graduation sex was good too."

Jungkook blushes and covers the puppy's ears. "Shh, not in front of the child. No one can compete with you, so it isn't fair to include you in the ranking."

"You looked so good in nothing but that gown and hat." I wiggle my eyebrows.

He giggles. "I look good in everything."

"Ooh, I love confident Koo." I get off the couch and crawl over to him, tackling him and begin to attack him with tickles.

The blond laughs, flailing around cutely as Gureum bounces around, joining in on the fun. Both of us pile on our favorite bunny and barrage him with affection, giving him kisses.

Jungkook is a giggling fit, flailing around as tears stream down his face. "Stop it, I can't take it!"

I stop, but continue to straddle him. "Is our affection too much for you?"

"Never." He grins and pets the puppy. "But having two puppies at once is a lot to handle."

"Oh, I'll show you puppy." I wiggle my fingers.

He grabs my wrists and pulls them so I'm laying on top of him. Jungkook pets Gureum and me at the same time, humming happily. "I really am blessed and you're a big part of that."

I purr due to the feeling of being pet. "I'm glad I can make your life even a little brighter, baby. I love you."

Jungkook pauses .


I sit up, feeling self conscious. When I look down at the blond, he's blushing, a shit-eating grin on his face as he lays there, stunned.

"Jungkook, you can't just ignore me the first time I tell you that," I whine, covering my face.

He giggles giddily. "I love you too, baby. You just took my breath away, that's all. But what's new?"

I push him. "Gah, you scared me. And for what? You're intolerable."

"But you love meeeeee~" He sings and pulls me back down on him.

"Yeah," I grumble. "I love you. And I can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives."

Author's Note: Cuties. I love them. I did the sexy, so I had to do the cutie. The epilogue will be the lovely.

What do you think of the story?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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