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I kick my shoes off lazily as I strip out of my uniform, collapsing onto my bed. Work felt never-ending today. And I still have more work today for class. Senior year of college is kicking my ass. When applying to college, I promised myself that I wouldn't let myself get into bad debt, so I've been working at least thirty-five hours a week since I was eighteen. Before then, I worked my max, saving up money so that I could get my education. I'm not poor per se. Funds are just tight.

My eyes squint due to my phone's brightness as I check my calendar for the upcoming week, groaning when I see that February fourteenth falls on that week.

Valentine's Day. Great.

Pursing my lips, I notice that I have something to do that day. Curious, I open the day just to see that I'm scheduled to work at Eat Jin on Valentine's Day. My eye twitches.

On one hand, I could possibly rack up a ton of tips on the dreaded holiday. On the other, I would have to deal with a ton of unnecessary PDA and requests from people to hide engagement bands in food or drinks (which I'll never understand. It's like 'hey, I want to marry you. So choke on this overpriced ring I bought you.').

I look at Jin's contact and bite my lip. It isn't clear to me yet whether or not I should work. Making that much money in one day sounds amazing. But what if people skip out on the tip because they spend so much on their meals to spoil their date with no regard for the actual workers? Having to bring feasts and wait on people like a good little boy just to get crappy people telling me to get a better job if I don't like the pay is irritating. Plus, I get tips and a wage from that job. The Kims know people suck, so we're paid a few dollars over minimum wage and then the tips are an added bonus.

"This is a problem for another day," I sigh, massaging my temples. "I have homework to do."

Author's Note: Finally, the planning is over and the story has started! I hope everyone enjoys the story. Every now and then, there will be details that pop up that I'll have you vote on at the end of the chapters, so make sure to read the author's notes!!!! It'd suck to miss your opportunity to vote because you decided to ignore my notes.

How do you think the story will go?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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