💘Chapter 3🍫

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I open my eyes, shielding them from the sun's rays filtering through the window and gasp. Before me, wearing nothing but black, knee high socks, underwear, glasses, and one of my white button up shirts stands none other than Jimin. The way the billowy fabric, blond hair, and smooth fabric glow in the morning sun is breathtaking. He doesn't feel real.

"J-Jimin?" I ask, voice barely above a whisper. "What are you doing here? Why are you wearing my shirt? Where are your pants?" My thoughts swirl around my head like a whirlpool and my heart pounds as he makes his way towards me.

"I think you know the answers to those questions already, Jungkookie." He crawls into bed and straddles me. "Are you confused because I'm a guy?" He pouts. "Am I not good enough for you? Do you regret what we did last night?"

My hands unconsciously fall to his hips. "I... wait—Jimin—"

The pout on his full lips makes them seem even more appealing and I find myself at a loss for words.

Jimin's hands explore the expanse of my bare chest and I shiver, his every touch setting me on fire like no other. "Do you want me or not, Koo?"

I stare into his eyes. "This isn't real. If we had had sex, I would have definitely remembered it and I wouldn't have been too drunk or anything to forget it. I would have made sure I was fully cognizant for my first time with a man... my first time with you."

His lips press to my neck. "Do you want me to be your first, Jungkook?"

Something about the way my name sounds spoken in his honey voice makes me feel territorial. The subtle flirtiness to his tone drives me wild and I find myself wanting the real thing, but scared at the same time. Even if I was sure of myself, would he even want me? He clearly is comfortable with his sexuality and I wouldn't want him to think he's some sexual experiment. I don't want him to feel used. I've been used before.

And it breaks you into a million pieces.

"He doesn't want you. He just wants what you can give him."

My blood runs cold and I slowly turn my head to my ex-girlfriend where she stands, arms crossed and gaze the epitome of judgemental.

"I..." I look at the blond and he presses a finger to my lips.

"Don't listen to her, Koo. I met you while you were waiting. How could I be superficial and fake like that?"

He has a point.

"He just wants you for sex."

"Shut up." I clench my eyes shut.

"You can't make anyone happy. You're too cheap. You lack substance. That's why I cheated on you. All you did was act like thoughts and actions were enough. Meanwhile, my friends were posting all of their dates, travels, and gifts.

Tears start to stream down my face only for the blond's hands to caress them away. "Jungkook."

I open my eyes and he presses his lips to mine.

"Wake up."


A loud gasp leaves my mouth as I shoot up, body drenched in sweat. I throw the covers off myself and pull my knees into my chest, burying the heels of my palms into my eyes.

I cry.

All I feel is doubt. Doing about my sexuality, doubt about his intentions, doubt about my worth. Is love even real anymore? Does everyone just cheat, use, and abuse?

People think it's sexy too. Cheating seems to be the hot topic nowadays. It's become so ingrained in entertainment media. Famous people cheat or are cheated on. It's all just commonplace. And I think people get off on it too, forgetting that the person cheated on is made to feel like shit and develop trust issues.

Oftentimes, I find myself wondering if I deserved it. Was I not doing enough? Was I not enough? Will it happen again? Is it even worth it?

The Jimin in my dreams was so kind. It makes me wonder if the real life version is just as nice and caring. Him being... well, a he is confusing, but it's the twenty-first century and my best friends are gay. So I'm not ashamed, disgusted, or anything of the sorts. I'm just confused.

I thought I was so sure about my sexuality, but then this pretty blond shows up and turns my whole world upside down. I'm still attracted to women, but something about being with a man—Jimin in particular—excites me. I'm just not sure if it's the unknown or a genuine attraction. Could it be that I'm bicurious but not actually bisexual? What if I'm bisexual, but only heteroromantic? What if I'm heteroflexible? There are so many labels and different places on the spectrum and not knowing where I fit terrifies me. All I know is that getting with Jimin just feels wrong. He deserves someone who knows what they want.

He shouldn't be an experiment.

Author's Note: This one goes out to the homies who are victims of cheating and/or questioning their sexuality. You're not alone. I love you. 💜 Please vote "+1" on what you want. The highest ranked one when I work on the next chapter will win.

Should VSope/Taegiseok reign supreme?



What do you think of the story? Who out here is here and queer?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


Can people with Instagram accounts please like my most recent post and follow my account if possible? I'm trying to grow my account and if my recent post gets good engagement, I'll draw a fan art of Daechwita inspired Yoongi as Levi Ackerman. The @ is artisticmaniacx.

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