💘Chapter 8🍫

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I look out the window of the teacher's lounge dreamily as I lower and raise the teabag in my mug. The reason for my feelings is clear and doesn't need to be said.

"Look at the lovestruck baby," Hobi teases, squeezing my cheeks before sitting beside me at the table, throwing his legs over mine.

Blushing, I look at my old roommate. "I'm not lovestruck. We don't even have a label to our relationship."

"You might not have a label to your relationship, but you definitely changed his contact in your phone to baby with a bunch of hearts around it," Yoongi teases, taking a sip of his iced americano while Taehyung braids his hair.

I scowl. "He is baby. My baby Kookoo clock." I remove the tea bag and place it on a paper towel, taking a sip. "But he's not mine yet for real and It's kinda upsetting."

"What do you mean? Aren't you two exclusive?" He also calls you babe and cute nicknames. Didn't he draw you a bunch of pictures?"

Giggling, I curl my hair. "Yeah. He says he wants me to be his model too."

Taehyung sets his chopsticks down and Yoongi takes over dishing up everyone's Panda Express instead. "He's in love with you. As an artist, he's in love with you. We don't draw people for free. Sets a precedent and other people think they can get free stuff."

"L-Love?" I blush. "Isn't it too soon?"

"Ignore Taehyung. He reads too much Shakespeare and Wattpad." Yoongi scoffs. "Taehyung draws Hoseok and me all the time and he hasn't told us he loves us."

"But you live together. Hell, you stole my roommate and now I pay rent alone." I pout. "I miss Mickey."

Hobi giggles. "Holly, Mickey, and Tannie get along so well. They sleep all dog piled up and I love them."

Taehyung ignores them. "He loves you."

"Stop that." I cover my face. "Tell yourself boyfriends you love them with words because they're too stupid to understand actions. You and Kookoo aren't the same person. You've seen him once."

Tae scoffs. "I saw him once and you still went down on him. Didn't even get my go ahead."

Hobi laughs. "He doesn't need your go ahead. He's a grown ass man. Jimin can suck off whoever, whenever."

"Just not you anymore." Taehyung puffs his cheeks up. "I can't believe my best friend fucked my boyfriend."

I smirk. "Word of advice, you gotta choke him to get him to come the hardest. Mr. Uber Driver didn't do it well though."

Taehyung's jaw drops and Yoongi hums, the blond taking mental note.

"What if I kill him?" Tae covers his face.

"I'll do it." Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"I knew you were a sadist. Just like all cats," Taehyung cries.

Hoseok laughs. "Tae, eat your food before it gets cold. Yoongi got it just for you."

"Then why am I sharing?" He pouts.

"You're in a poly relationship. All you do is share," Yoongi deadpans. "Eat your food, Tae."

Tae starts covering Yoongi in kisses. "No, baby, I love sharing with you and Hobi. You're both older and take such good care of making me happy. I love yooooou."

I poke my bottom lip out. "You all are so cute. I want what you have."

"You'll get it soon, Minnie. Jungkook is the one. I just know it." Hoseok squeezes my shoulder.

"But he feels so unattainable, unreachable. We keep getting closer, but we haven't been face-to-face since our spa day. I'm worried that I fucked up or that I'm good for dating, but nothing more."

Yoongi flicks his straw wrapper at me. "No self-depreciation at the lunch table unless you're me. Which you're not."

"There's only one Min Yoongi~" Tae and Hobi tease their boyfriend in unison.

Rolling my eyes, I poke my food with my chopsticks. "I'm just worried that we're going too fast, yet too slow at the same time and that Jungkook isn't sure. But I guess only time will tell."

Author's Note: Taegiseokmin is cute because Jihope, Yoonmin, and Vmin are all cute. I love.

What do you think of the story?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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