💘Chapter 9🍫

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It's been quite some time since Jimin and I have seen each other in person. We've both been so busy and Jimin and I have been job searching for the blond just in case he gets booted. He hasn't reached tenure at the school as of yet, so the poor guy has been losing sleep over the whole ordeal.

I can't stop thinking about our in person dates and how both of them led to us kissing. Both of our kisses replay in my mind. I want to be the one to kiss him. He is always the one to finally close the distance. It's unlike me to be this anxious about initiating intimacy. But I guess baggage can do a lot to a person.

💞Mochi Minnie💞 >

Today 3:11 PM

Just a reminder that I'm
about to be on my way to
your apartment. Try not to
miss me too much 😘😘😘

His message makes me grin and I send him kissy emojis back before running over to add the ramen seasoning to the water just before it starts boiling. I hum contently as I work on our lazy meal. Jimin and I are actually going to be together and apparently we both have things we wanna discuss. I'm not scared though. We both promised each other that neither of us are upset with each other.

It's really nice not having to be nervous as to what the other is thinking at all times. We just lay it all out on the table.

Right when I finish adding more spicy sauce to the broth, Jimin rings the doorbell. With a light heart, I run to my door and swing it open.

The blond is startled, but grins widely, tackling me in a hug. I hoist him up and he plays with my hair fondly.

"It's nice to see you in person." I smile, nose scrunching up.

He giggles and lifts my hair up, running his fingers along the shorter parts of my undercut. "Likewise. Your hair has gotten so much longer. It looks really good, babe."

I hum, carrying him into the kitchen and setting him on the counter. "Thank you. I was thinking about going blond or at least trying it, but I've only ever dyed my hair black myself. It wasn't box dye, but it's still not in my comfort zone."

Jimin swings his legs back and forth as I dish up our bowls. "I'd love to be there for you, Kookie."

After setting our bowls down at the kitchen island, I pick the blond up yet again and carry him to his seat.

He laughs. "I can walk, Koo."

"Mm, but you're on your legs all the time and you're a dancer. I'm just saving you a bit of trouble."

The blond cups my face. "Thank you. But you're also on your feet a lot. You don't need to keep working when I'm around."

I sit down beside him and grab his hand, pressing his knuckles to my lips. "It's not like that. I feel at ease with you, Jimin. I don't want to have to keep overthinking things. I just want to be around you and for us to be happy."

Jimin smiles and kisses my nose. "I want that too."

Grinning, I peck his lips and the blond bushes, poking at his meal with his metal chopsticks.

"Thank you for the meal."

"You're welcome, babe." I start eating. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

He lights up. "They didn't cut the program! And now—believe it or not—Hoseok is the new dance leader! The school board didn't approve of the bias and the hatred, so they fired the old head dance instructor and gave Hobi a promotion! My job is safe!"

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