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-A year later-

If present me would have shown up at past me's front door and told him that he would become someone who obsesses over Valentine's Day, past me would have laughed in present me's face and slammed the door. But it's true. It's surprising what the right person can do.

Call me unoriginal, but I did exactly what Jin had talked about last year. I took pictures of us all throughout the first year of our relationship along with making sketches and keeping other sentimental things. Now I'm sitting in Jimin's and my shared home office, feeling like a kid in art class as I continue my scrapbooking endeavor.

My lips are stuck in a permanent grin as I paste things to the pages of the purple scrapbook. Everything about this excites me. I can't wait to see the look on Jimin's face when he opens his gift.

I spin around in my desk chair and let the scrapbook dry. Humming, I get up and make my way to the kitchen to cook.

"Something smells good," Jimin comments as he enters the apartment, crouching down to give Gureum a Valentine's themed dog toy and a treat. "Is that my boyfriend being the perfect man again?"

I roll my eyes. "I don't know. How about you come and give him some company?"

Jimin arrives and hugs me, kissing my neck. "I'll do ya one better."

"You'll give me a blowjob while I cook?"

He shoves me. "No, I'll help cook, doofus."

The blond washes his hands and starts making side dishes and chocolate-covered strawberries at the same time. He looks cute with his glasses, mini ponytail, and apron.

"Last minute school shit?"

"Of course." He groans. "I'm over here dating a director. I feel so lame."

I scoff. "Aren't you the one waiting for callbacks to that musical, hmm? Sounds pretty fucking exciting. We're Korea's power couple."

He smirks. "True." He kisses me and places the dessert in the fridge to chill.

When our meal is ready, I run to get Jimin's present as he sets the table.

"Jungkook, babe, hurry up before the food gets cold!"

"Coming, Jimin!" I call, running to join him. I place my bag by Jimin's smaller one and I grin, feeling happy he got me something.

"Aww, Mr. Anti-Valentine's got little old me something." Jimin smirks, sipping his champagne.

I blush. "I'm not Anti-Valentine's. I just don't like performative shit."

"That's valid." Jimin leans over and kisses me. "Thank you for celebrating with me."

"Mm, you're welcome." I kiss him back and push his present towards him after loading everything into the dishwasher together.

Jimin pulls it out and gasps. "Jungkookie!"

I giggle. "Open it!"

He does just that, getting teary eyed. "I feel like this is our anniversary. Aaaa. You have a drawing of me last Valentine's when you saw me. Jeon Jungkook!" he hugs the book into his chest. "This is my most prized possession. I will cherish it forever!"

Jimin's pure happiness makes me happy on its own, but his present definitely furthers that feeling.

"A record?" I ask, looking at Jimin's pretty calligraphy on it. "Who is it by?"

He plays with his fingers. "I got it custom made. It's like a mixtape of all of our favorite stuff, some of them are covers that you, me, or both of us did."

"Jimin, this is perfect. Thank you so much." I hug him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jungkook." He squeezes me. "Is this a good Valentine's?"

"The best." I interlock our fingers. "I hope to spend many more with you."

Author's Note: I'm listening to "Ddaeng" and it's so fucking good. Ignore me.

This story is... done. It's wild. I didn't think I'd do it on time, but I've been writing nonstop. The Namjin bonus chapter will come sometime in the future. I need a break! Thank you all for making this story possible. I was worried that making a choose your own adventure story would be impossible because my account is so small and I usually don't get a lot of interaction from readers, but we did it! I'm so proud of us. I hope everyone who liked this story checks out my other works. I have a lot, finished and ongoing. Please give some of my ongoing books a look! If you like VSope, Pose has them as a side ship. If you like Sope, then please check out Eyes with Pride, as that story even has them as a main ship. If poly stuff interests you, my story, I wanna be a Hero, is Vminkook and it's really cute and has Sope and Namjin as well. Anyone who reads those books, please hype them up in this comment section so that the new readers know why they're worth reading lmao.

What do you think of the story?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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